Thursday, 19 August 2021

CERTIFICADO DE REGISTRO DE MARCA E LOGOMARCA (Ministério da Economia / Instituto Nacional de Produção Industrial)

            É com orgulho que comemoramos o recebimento do CERTIFICADO DE REGISTRO DE MARCA E LOGOMARCA do Instituto Nacional de Produção Industrial (INPI) do Ministério da Economia. 

            Aconteça o que acontecer... nunca desista!!!

                                       DOC CLINICS e DOC LIFE SUPPORT...  acreditando numa nova era!

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Evacuação de pacientes em mar 9

 Autor: Joselito Fonseca Corrêa CREMESP: 127.281
In: VII Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Emergência ABRAMEDE
     Demonstrar nossa experiência técnica na evacuação de navios em mares de classificação 9 na escala de Douglas (com ondas de tamanhos entre 9 e 14 metros) e descrever uma experiência prática em que houve a iminência de evacuação de um navio durante uma tempestade com ondas de 14 metros de altura no Oceano Atlântico Sul.
Revendo minuciosamente todos os pontos abordados no adestramento técnico de comissões de inspeção naval, avaliamos sua relevância para a segurança da navegação assim como comparamos a factibilidade da teoria em mares com ondas entre 9 e 14 metros (Douglas Scale). 
Descreveremos nosso trabalho enquanto sob a incumbência de Inspetor dos Setores de Saúde dos navios componentes da frota da Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação da Marinha de Guerra do Brasil durante as viagens da Comissão de Inspeção e Assessoria ao Adestramento enfatizando como esses treinamentos são cruciais ao bom desempenho tanto do resgate de feridos quanto da evacuação em alto mar relatando uma experiência real de iminência de evacuação.
Embora os treinamentos das comissões navais sejam suficientemente técnicos e seus adestramentos bastante efetivos, a experiência real de se estar em um navio oceanográfico de 17 metros de altura por 67 metros de comprimento sujeito a ondas de 14 metros foge bastante do previsto teoricamente. Relatamos as dificuldades encontradas na navegação em mar de nível 9 (Douglas) o qual está geralmente associado a ventos de 89 a 120 Km/hr segundo a escala comparativa de Beaufort.

 Author: Joselito Fonseca Corrêa CREMESP: 127,281 
In: VII Brazilian Congress of Emergency Medicine ABRAMEDE
Demonstrate our technical experience in evacuating ships in 9- scale Douglas-scale seas (with waves of sizes between 9 and 14 meters) and describe a practical experience in which the evacuation of a ship was imminent during a storm with waves of 14 meters high in the South Atlantic Ocean.
By thoroughly reviewing all the points covered in the technical training of naval inspection commissions, we assessed its relevance for navigation safety as well as comparing the feasibility of the theory in seas with waves between 9 and 14 meters (Douglas Scale). 
We will describe our work while under the responsibility of Inspector of the Health Sectors of the ships that are part of the fleet of the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation of the Brazilian Navy during the voyages of the Dressage Inspection and Advisory Commission, emphasizing how these trainings are crucial to good performance. both the rescue of the wounded and evacuation on the high seas, reporting a real experience of imminent evacuation. 
Although the training of the naval commissions is sufficiently technical and their training quite effective, the real experience of being in an oceanographic vessel 17 meters high by 67 meters long, subject to waves of 14 meters, is far from what was theoretically predicted. We report the difficulties encountered in navigation at sea level 9 (Douglas) which is generally associated with winds of 89 to 120 km / hr according to the comparative scale of Beaufort.


Thursday, 8 April 2021

Campeonatos de parapente: uma breve história do atendimento ao politraumatizado

Campeonatos de Parapente: uma breve história do atendimento ao politraumatizado
 Autor: Joselito Fonseca Corrêa CREMESP 127.281
In: VII Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Emergência ABRAMEDE 
Descrever nossa experiência no manejo do politraumatizado desde os primeiros campeonatos de parapente realizados no Brasil a partir de 2001, citando a evolução gradual dessa modalidade de voo atrelada às suas necessidades específicas para o suporte avançado de vida ainda na fase pré-hospitalar do acidentado. 
Evidenciamos os conhecimentos fornecidos pelos primeiros cursos de suporte de vida avançado ao politraumatizado do Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões que associamos nesse início a procedimentos clássicos da clínica cirúrgica e à própria prática da medicina de emergência. A seguir demonstramos tudo o que pôde ser feito no intuito de criar novos equipamentos e desenvolver rotinas próprias para esse novo esporte que difunde-se rapidamente em vários países.
Demonstramos o que pôde ser efetivamente realizado, as situações e condições adversas enfrentadas, comoevoluímos, os equipamentos por nós desenvolvidos, os procedimentos cirúrgicos clássicos utilizados, a influência do ambiente e da meteorologia na saúde dos atletas além de avaliar o impacto de doenças virais e epidemias no risco desportivo. 
Concluímos que nossa intervenção foi fundamental ao voo livre de parapente justamente por avançar com um conhecimento de ponta para o resgate médico em áreas de difícil acesso em regiões brasileiras onde o atendimento ao politraumatizado ainda não havia atingido o status de sistematização proposto pelo Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões nesse período inicial do esporte. Nosso trabalho foi reconhecido internacionalmente como “pioneiro” nessa área desportiva.


 Paragliding Championships: a brief history of care for polytrauma patients
 Author: Joselito Fonseca Corrêa CREMESP 127,281
In: VII Brazilian Congress of Emergency Medicine ABRAMEDE
Describe our experience in handling polytraumatized patients since the first paragliding championships held in Brazil since 2001, citing the gradual evolution of this flight modality linked to their specific needs for advanced life support even in the pre-hospital phase of the injured person. 
We highlight the knowledge provided by the first advanced life support courses to the polytrauma patient at the American College of Surgeons, which at the beginning we associated with classic procedures of surgical clinic and the practice of emergency medicine itself. Below we demonstrate everything that could be done in order to create new equipment and develop routines for this new sport that is spreading rapidly in several countries. 
We demonstrate what could be effectively accomplished, the adverse situations and conditions faced, how we evolved, the equipment we developed, the classic surgical procedures used, the influence of the environment and meteorology on the athletes' health, in addition to assessing the impact of viral and epidemics in sports risk. 
We conclude that our intervention was fundamental to paragliding free flight precisely because it advanced with cutting-edge knowledge for medical rescue in areas that are difficult to access in Brazilian regions where care for polytrauma patients had not yet reached the status of systematization proposed by the American College of Surgeons in this initial period of the sport. Our work has been internationally recognized as a “pioneer” in this sports area.


Sunday, 7 March 2021




      Dr. Joselito after receiving the Diploma of Doctor of the Year ISO 2021 was invited by conductor Gerard Schers to sing a song performed by him.  He chose the song “CLOSE TO YOU” by Carpenters referring to it as one of the songs that inspired his book “LOVE for short trips and big odyssey” which is just like a “love manual in the Covid times” where everything  what everybody dream of is being close to the loved ones.

      As he says, he is not used to status positions, but we note that his story proves that he has always been very dear.  In medical school, he was the monitor of several chairs receiving the Honor Plate from the Board due to the work presented at the symposia while still a student.  At his internship at Hospital dos Servidores do Estado and Santa Casa da Misericórdia, his grades were between 9 and 10. Although he did not finish his Business School for taking care of his father's health, he was the first student in the class, recognized for always receiving  grades 10 in the Economics assessments and loved for transcribing in the tests parts of the original texts of Adam Smith and Frederick Taylor, originating from the originals in English language, mined by him in the library of the Salesian University.  At Harvard he achieved an average of 9 in the evaluation scores at the Harvard / MIT / TUFTS Consortium for Negotiation, Entrepreneurship and Senior Leadership in a class of Brazilian students highly praised by American professors.  He received an honorary degree from the New York International Alumni Student Association "for pursuing excellence, maintaining perseverance and ascending to the Summit of Professional Achievement".  He was invited by professors from Cambridge and Oxford universities to take courses in Sustainability, Geopolitics and Macroeconomics, which he still has on his agenda as priorities for the future.
      He was Medical Officer of the Brazilian Navy, obtaining the Military Inspector of the Health Session of the ships that provide logistical support to the Almirante Ferraz base in Antarctica, in addition to Fernando de Noronha, Atol das Rocas and the cabin of the Penedos de São Pedro  and São Paulo that he served on board during the first expedition of the first housing project.  He also served on board during the LEPLAC Research Program (Survey of the Continental Shelf), a comprehensive program for collecting seismic and bathymetric data along the Brazilian continental shelf to submit to the United Nations Continental Shelf Limits Commission (United Nations)  the area over which Brazil exercises sovereign rights.  He was qualified as a Military Judge for the audits at the 1st. Military Judicial Circumscription.  On leaving for civilian life he was honored with the Admiralty's Meritorious Citation.  In civilian life he was approved in all phases and in a written test for Captain Amador by the Captaincy of the Ports of Paraty.
      His life as an emergency physician was filled with several motions of City Councils, among tributes from other institutions and also from popular ones.  He has never been prosecuted for his medical practice and has collected more than a hundred interviews for the press.  Not only in newspapers and magazines but also on radio and television, whose half-hour duration on networks such as TV Globo, TV Record, TV Cultura, TV Bandeirantes among others, sets a record for air time.  He was also the target of reports for European cable TV networks such as RTP and RAI Uno.  He was medical coordinator at the Paragliding World Cup of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, receiving a Diploma of Sport Merit from the Brazilian Paragliding Association, having subsequently sponsored through his company DOC Serviços Médicos, pilots from Germany and Brazil in the Senior / Champions class in addition to the DJ  Top of the World Anna Lindblad from Amsterdam in different years of the Free Flight World Cup.  “Our logo was stamped on the champions' canopy”, as he is proud to say.  Alongside his free flight, he was invited to accompany Rolex Ilhabela Sailing Week as a doctor, where he attracted the sympathy of civilian and military competitors from the Navy School, organizers and even the President of Rolex Stephan Meili and season champion Marcos Breda.
       Post graduated in Aesthetic Medicine from the International Association of Aesthetic Medicine having been invited to be a professor of this postgraduate course in addition to gaining the support of the President of the Swiss Society of Dermatology and Cosmiatry and other friends of the Austrian, American, French and Indian medical aesthetic societies.  He opened his company DOC Serviços Medicos Internacionais which started to undertake a network of four DOC Aesthetics clinics.  He recently specialized in Psychiatry and has just published his first book that has been sold worldwide by Amazon.
        He was very grateful for the “DOCTOR OF THE YEAR” diploma and said that he was really the doctor of the year 2020 that caused the most confusion, either due to the lack of material (oxygen, ventilators, etc.) or because he was unable to attend emergency units more  than 100 to 120 hours weekly.  He remembers that his phone rang and “beep” all day.  "Calm down people!  I have a lockdown after 100 uninterrupted hours on duty!  I also need some oenophilic confinement”, he jokes about his stressful moments with insistent colleagues.