Monday, 22 December 2008

DOC - Net News

Grande Millan, o idealizador e editor do Guia4Ventos que nos estimulou a escrever nossa primeira matéria sobre medicina do vôo livre. Sempre presente nos campeonatos dando aquela força para nós da DOC.
Subject: Re: [paraca] Relatório Médico do Dr. Joselito From: Antonio Viviani <> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 19:57:40 -0300 Sem palavras!Sen-sa-ci-o-nal!!!Parabéns ao grande profissional, Dr. Joselito. Antônio Viviani Carlos Millan wrote: > Aí galera> > O Dr Joselito preperou pra galera do vôo,> um relatório de dicas, que é ouro.> > Tudo sobre dicas e roteiros de cuidados que> devemos ter com as nossas carcaças combalidas> antes dos vôos.> > Para ver,o roteiro é o seguinte:> Folha 4 Ventos e clicar no link> Os melhores da lista ,em cima no meio da pagina> Nessa página ,sendo a ultima da lista de dicas...> Aliás... tem altas dicas de vôo pra vocês salvarem e> imprimirem... Prev by Subject: Re: [paraca] "XCEARA 2001" Next by Subject: Re: [paraca] [RE] protesto Prev by thread: Re: [paraca] Hotel em Araxá ( Tá acabando....) Next by thread: y Index(es): Subject Thread Re: [paraca] Relatório Médico do Dr. Joselito Parabéns ao grande profissional, Dr. Joselito. Antônio Viviani Carlos Millan wrote: > Aí galera > > O Dr Joselito preperou pra galera do vôo, > um relatório ...www.parapentebrasil

DOC - Net News

Nosso muito obrigado a todos que direta ou indiretamente cooperaram para que nosso trabalho fosse realmente desenvolvido. Sem os pilotos nada teria sido possível.
To: "parapa" <> Subject: Relatório Médico do Dr. Joselito From: "Carlos Millan" <> Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 18:38:37 -0300 Aí galera O Dr Joselito preperou pra galera do vôo,um relatório de dicas, que é ouro. Tudo sobre dicas e roteiros de cuidados quedevemos ter com as nossas carcaças combalidasantes dos vôos. Para ver,o roteiro é o seguinte:Folha 4 Ventos e clicar no linkOs melhores da lista ,em cima no meio da paginaNessa página ,sendo a ultima da lista de dicas...Aliás... tem altas dicas de vôo pra vocês salvarem eimprimirem... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Conheça o Brasil voandoGuia 4 Ventos a sua melhor companhia Prev by Subject: Re: [paraca] Hosp. na Faixa Aaxá. Next by Subject: RES: [paraca] Aniversário do Sivuca Prev by thread: Re: [paraca] Dog em Voo Next by thread: Serial e Open - Campeonato Brasileiro Index(es): Subject Thread Relatório Médico do Dr. Joselito To: "parapa" ; Subject: Relatório Médico do Dr. Joselito; From: "Carlos Millan"

DOC - Net News

Aos pilotos toda nossa admiração e gratidão mútua. A seguir a publicação do Millan, Guia4Ventos, na íntegra.
Dr.Joselito Fonseca Correia médico de plantão em Cambuquira eleito o Doutor dos pilotos Rotina realizada; II. Observações; III. Sugestões para os próximos Campeonatos; IV. Equipamentos de proteção; V. Jardim de Esculápio; VI. Mensagem Final. I. Rotina Realizada1) Apresentação do médico às equipes e pilotos; 2) Recebimento dos dados básicos de saúde de cada piloto (tipagem sanguínea, alergias medicamentosas, doenças crônicas, medicamentos em uso); 3) Verificação do material de resgate doado pela GO UP Brazil ao Corpo de bombeiros;4) Treinamento simulado com o Corpo de Bombeiros (realizado diariamente); 5) Check do material utilizado pelo médico (de resgate, medicamentoso e cirúrgico); 6) Tratamento da água a ser utilizada nos sanitários com cloro;7) Limpeza dos sanitários e manutenção (limpeza, papéis higiênicos, lixeiras, manutenção hidráulica e do esgoto);8) Orientação contínua dos pilotos sobre o procedimento correto em caso de acidentes; 9) Verificação da comunicação (rádio/celular); 10) Prevenção da desidratação e queimaduras solares (realizada diariamente); 11) Verificação de todos os tipos sanguíneos e seus respectivos doadores; 12) Informação aos pilotos sobre seus doadores e sobre seus transfundidos; 13) Verificação de todos os bancos de sangue da região, determinação dos tipos sanguíneos disponíveis e reserva de bolsas de sangue doador universal; 14) Contato com a Equipe de Trauma de referência na região. "Stand by via telefonia celular" 15) Verificação da saúde de todos os pilotos ao final de cada prova, durante a marcação do vôo no QG. 16) Verificação de todos os pilotos quanto à vacinação antitetânica 17) Verificação de intolerância alimentar e ou alergia alimentar para orientação de restaurantes e cozinhas de hotéis; 18) Curativos diários tipo "almofadão" nos locais de fraturas anteriores da coluna vertebral; 19) Limpeza, assepsia e curativos de ferimentos e lacerações cutâneas recentes; 20) Solicitação de tipagem sanguínea a todos os pilotos que não informaram seu tipo de sangue na ficha de inscrição; 21) Solicitação de consentimento a todos os pilotos para os procedimentos de ATLS (Advanced Thrauma Life Support) em caso de acidentes; 22) Médico de Stand By 24 horas por dia para qualquer necessidade dos pilotos; 23) Encaminhamento ao SUS - Cambuquira dos pilotos que não estavam em dia com a vacinação antitetânica para a efetivação da mesma; 24) Treinamento com o piloto dentro da selete para instituir a melhor rotina de resgate e atendimento medico em caso de acidentes. II. Observações Gerais 1) Alguns pilotos não sabem o tipo sanguíneo ou não informaram na ficha de inscrição; 2) Alguns pilotos não estão em dia com a vacina antitetânica; 3) Não existe uma rotina definida (SMJ) para o atendimento médico dos pilotos em caso de acidentes. Tal rotina deve ser instituída e um manual deverá ser confeccionado para uso nas diversas etapas do Campeonato, pelas equipes médicas locais; 4) Alguns planos de saúde não cobrem acidentes em esportes de aventura. A padronização do tipo de plano de saúde fornece melhores condições de trabalho à equipe médica e maior segurança aos pilotos; 5) A ingestão alcoólica nas noites anteriores ao Campeonato pode contribuir a desidratação além de diminuir o rendimento e a concentração dos pilotos nas provas; 6) Tabagistas oferecem maior dificuldade ao suporte à vida nos casos de trauma 7) As equipes médica e de resgate devem estar informadas das rotas dos vôos para poder traçar diariamente rotas de resgate terrestre (Time is life) III. Sugestões para os próximos campeonatos 1) Cuidado rigoroso quanto à alimentação e à hidratação. As possibilidades de infecções e parasitoses intestinais devem ser checadas e excluídas. As águas ingeridas devem ser de boa qualidade e em caso de dúvida é melhor trata-la: 02 gotas de água sanitária (sem perfume) tratam 01 litro de água a ser consumida. Em tanques ou caixas de abastecimento deve-se utilizar 10 ml de água sanitária (sem perfume e/ou aditivos) para o tratamento de 100 litros de água. A água tratada só poderá ser consumida 30 minutos após o tratamento. Em caso de diarréia deve-se procurar a equipe médica e nunca proceder a auto medicação. 2) Seria melhor que a Organização do Campeonato possuísse seu próprio equipamento de resgate médico, o qual acompanharia a caravana de pilotos em todas as etapas. 3) Os médicos que forem responsáveis pelo resgate dos pilotos acidentados devem obrigatoriamente ter treinamento em ATLS (Advanced Thrauma Life Support). Exercícios de resgate devem ser feitos a cada dia do Campeonato pela equipe médica e Corpo de Bombeiros. Pequenos erros na hora do atendimento ao acidentado podem ter sérias repercussões. 4) A equipe médica deverá possuir obrigatoriamente acesso a todos os tipos de comunicação (rádio, telefonia celular...) 5) A equipe médica deverá ser informada da rota de vôo a cada dia e deverá obrigatoriamente traçar rotas de resgate terrestre. Rotas de resgate terrestre previamente conhecidas diminuem o tempo de chegada do atendimento médico ao local do acidente e nesse caso, tempo é vida! 6) A equipe de resgate e atendimento médico deveria obrigatoriamente possuir: - mapas terrestres da região, contendo trilhas, acessos a matas e estradas de terra bem especificadas (tipo os que são utilizados em jogos de orientação) - veículo off-road à disposição - comunicação adequada - material de resgate completo e em boas condições - treinamento adequado - GPS para identificação precisa do local onde o parapente pousou/caiu - Acesso a todas as informações relativas às rotas de vôo e localização geográfica precisa. - Planos de resgate terrestre mapeados por área geográfica e já estudados e estabelecidos anteriormente à competição. OBS: a intenção de toda essa rotina é diminuir ao máximo o tempo de chegada da equipe médica ao piloto acidentado e conseqüentemente, preservar a vida! 7) Seria ideal que a organização tivesse meios de monitorar via satélite (GPS) a posição geográfica exata de cada piloto fazendo a marcação simultânea do vôo, observando atentamente todos os vôos com o intuito de detectar rapidamente a interrupção de qualquer um deles. Seria melhor para a equipe médica que o piloto não fizesse qualquer movimento com o seu corpo após a queda (nem mesmo para telefonar ou manter contato via rádio) e aguardasse imóvel a chegada do socorro médico. Movimentos após um trauma grave podem ser responsáveis pelo agravamento de fraturas da coluna vertebral e conseqüente piora do prognóstico médico. 8) As equipes médicas de cada etapa do Circuito Brasileiro deverão checar rigorosamente as tipagens sanguíneas dos pilotos e seus respectivos doadores e transfundidos, bem como os tipos de sangue disponíveis em todos os bancos de sangue da região. Falta de sangue é causa de morte em acidentes graves. 9) As equipes médicas de cada etapa do Circuito Brasileiro de Parapente deverão trabalhar tendo às mãos o telefone do hospital de referência para trauma na região, bem como os telefones dos chefes das equipes de cirurgia geral e ortopedia. 10) As comissões organizadoras dos Campeonatos devem ter ciência das dificuldades relativas ao atendimento médico em regiões menos desenvolvidas do país e utilizarem de todos os recursos possíveis para prevenir desfechos fatais que possam ocorrer por falta de cuidado ou por imprudência. 11) Queimaduras solares e dores articulares ou osteo-musculares, devem ser tratadas durante o campeonato. Dores contínuas, mesmo que pouco intensas, podem limitar os movimentos dos pilotos, diminuir seu desempenho físico e psíquico, gerando, dessa forma, acidentes preveníveis. 12) A cada piloto deveria ser solicitado que assinasse um Termo de Responsabilidade, no ato da inscrição, contendo os seguintes termos: Eu, "nome", "estado civil", "RG", autorizo os médicos da equipe de resgate e da equipe hospitalar a realizarem em meu corpo, todos os procedimentos médicos necessários à preservação da minha vida, incluindo procedimentos cirúrgicos e transfusão de sangue, em caso de risco de vida. Assinatura 13) com a finalidade de evitar movimentos indesejáveis e que podem vir a prejudicar o vôo, seria desejável que os pilotos utilizassem dispositivos para incontinência urinária "com extensão", do tipo "uro-control". Abaixo o endereço para se adquirir o dispositivo: Cirúrgica Brasil (0xx11)270-1522 e-mail: 14) As fichas de inscrição dos campeonatos poderiam vir acrescidas de um questionário médico que solicitasse as seguintes informações: - Tipo sanguíneo; - Alergia a medicamentos; - Plano de Saúde (e tipo de cobertura); - Doenças que já teve (História Patológica Pregressa) e data; - Alergias e/ou intolerâncias alimentares; - Doenças crônicas que possui (Hipertensão arterial, diabetes, gastrite, doenças anteriores com sintomas ainda presentes); - Uso de lentes corretivas (óculos de grau) - Vacinações realizadas e datas; - Hotel onde se hospedará; - Telefone para contato com familiares em caso de acidentes; - Termo de responsabilidade. 15) Os pilotos que usarem óculos de grau deverão ser orientados a levarem óculos adicionais (reserva) para as etapas do Campeonato. Não deveriam de forma alguma voar sem óculos. Não usar óculos durante o vôo pode implicar em estafa visual, cefaléia e ansiedade, favorecendo a desconcentração e diminuição do rendimento. 16) Os pilotos devem ser orientados a questionarem diariamente a cozinha dos hotéis onde se hospedam e dos restaurantes onde se alimentam sobre a presença de alimentos dos quais são alérgicos ou que têm intolerância. Os casos de diarréia não devem ser automedicados, mas avaliados por um médico. 17) Os pilotos devem manter-se bem hidratados. A dedicação ao Campeonato e o desinteresse pela ingestão de líquidos pode levar a uma desidratação lenta e silenciosa. As libações alcoólicas noturnas podem acarretar desidratação. Desidratação e baixa quantidade de eletrólitos circulantes na corrente sanguínea podem ser responsáveis por câimbras, astenia, baixa concentração e até mesmo síncopes que podem ocorrer a qualquer momento, inclusive durante o vôo.18) Seria bastante útil que houvesse um programa de computador que fornecesse a cada inscrito uma relação com os números dos seus doadores e receptores, juntamente com uma solicitação para que ele procure a organização em caso de acidente com algum dos seus receptores. 19) Toda a rede hospitalar de emergência da região onde ocorrerá o Campeonato deverá ser verificada pela Comissão Organizadora, antes de cada etapa. Esses hospitais devem ser informados com antecedência sobre o evento e as possibilidades de acidente. 20) Não deveria ser permitida a inscrição no Campeonato, de pilotos que não tenham realizado a tipagem sanguínea.21) Cada piloto deve possuir o telefone celular do médico e ser orientado a procura-lo em qualquer situação relativa à sua saúde, mesmo que essa possa lhe parecer irrelevante. 22) Todo e qualquer ferimento (mesmo que pequeno) deveria ser tratado exclusivamente pelo médico e não automedicado. 23) Todos os pilotos com fratura prévia na coluna vertebral deveriam procurar a equipe médica para ser realizado um curativo tipo "almofadão" (casos de próteses de titânio). 24) As etapas do Campeonato Brasileiro ocorrem em regiões diferentes do Brasil. Por essa razão deveria ser confeccionado um informativo contendo um estudo das doenças mais comuns desses locais (zonas endêmicas) e o tipo de cuidado médico que deveria ser tomado (vacinas, medicamentos, medidas higiênicas e/ou dietéticas, etc) nessas áreas. 25) Doadores únicos (exclusivos) devem ser informados sobre a dependência singular de seus possíveis transfundidos, principalmente em regiões mal servidas de serviço médico-hospitalar. 26) A comissão Organizadora deveria avisar diariamente no sistema de som do Campeonato, sobre as medidas de segurança necessárias, por exemplo: - Não deixem suas crianças brincando próximas às rampas de vôo, ou próximas aos pilotos no momento da decolagem. - Não fumem próximo aos parapentes. - Não deixem frascos vazios de água ou refrigerantes jogados no chão.27) Uma forma de diminuir o tempo do resgate (muito importante ao atendimento médico) dos pilotos seria convidar membros dos Jipe-Clubes das regiões dos Campeonatos para participar do evento. Jipeiros locais conhecem como ninguém as trilhas, estradas de terra e atalhos, além de alguns deles utilizarem GPS e mapas terrestres. 28) Os pilotos necessitam estar muito bem habilitados para mudar de nível (parapentes mais velozes), com o intuito de que assim procedendo, sejam evitados acidentes "evitáveis", ocasionados por imprudência. 29) Seria bastante adequado que os organizadores dos campeonatos tivessem em seu poder um resumo da ficha médica de cada piloto (feita na avaliação médica da ABVL) para que a mesma fosse entregue à equipe de resgate médico ou à equipe médica hospitalar em caso de acidente. Essa medida pode salvar vidas! 30) As rotas de vôo poderiam ter algum objetivo ecológico (observação de clareiras, queimadas, poluições atmosféricas ou hídricas), voltado para a proteção ambiental. No final de cada etapa poderia ser escrita uma súmula ecológica da região. A proteção do meio ambiente é um dever de todos. IV - Equipamentos que visem a proteção à vida Sugestões para estudo mais aprofundado: 1) Sistema de rádio ou de telefonia celular (voice controled) acoplado ao capacete que permitisse ao piloto comunicar-se com o resgate médico ou com a organização do campeonato sem que para isso tivesse que fazer qualquer movimento. 2) Macacão inflável (tipo air bag) que auxiliasse a imobilização do piloto em caso de acidente (ar comprimido) 3) Colete de imobilização cervical inflável (tipo air bag) por dispositivo de ar comprimido. 4) Joystick para controle manual do sistema de comunicação e dos infláveis (macacão e colete cervical). 5) Proteção da coluna vertebral constituído de titânio (colete). 6) Sistema de amortecimento de impactos nos solados das botas para evitar lesões por esforços repetidos (lesões das articulações dos joelhos pelos impactos dos pousos). OBS.: em acidentes graves, qualquer movimento do piloto poderá aumentar ainda mais uma fratura vertebral, piorando o prognóstico da lesão e em casos de fratura cervical, ocasionar um desfecho fatal. V - Jardim de Esculápio Comentários: *Bactéria (ou melhor "o bactéria " - sic) é fundamental ao vôo livre. Bactrim ® só com receita médica. *Mr Microphone "SIVUCA" tem indicação médica: " SIVUCOTERAPIA" anti-estresse. *Massagens realizadas pela namorada ou esposa para aliviar as tensões musculares antes das provas estão medicamente indicadas. Só não podem aliviar demais... *No dia "PUNK" da pista sul em Cambuquira, não faltou foi médico-goleiro, tentando segurar os pilotos para não saltarem. Resultado: médico no mato, piloto no ar... *Precisaria de um Super-Camelback (GGG) para hidratar uma super ressaca (++++/4+). *Óculos limpos podem evitar que pilotos sejam confundidos com urubus e anjos sejam confundidos com dumbos. *A água mineral com lítio (substância existente naturalmente na composição de certa água mineral de Cambuquira e que possui ação anti-depressiva) servida na hora dos saltos surtiu efeitos inimagináveis. Teve até piloto saltando de cabeça para baixo... *Aliás, os saltos angelicais da Mailca (com direito a mechas de fios dourados encaracolados saindo de dentro do capacete e brilhando ao sol) faziam com que até mesmo os mais terrestres espectadores "entubassem" seus pensamentos em alguma nuvem de algodão e se sentissem em pleno Éden. Pura e divinamente falando... VI - Mensagem final Talvez alguns tenham deduzido algum motivo autopromocional e outros, talvez, tenham visto no meu sacro ofício um estresse excessivo, uma preocupação exagerada. Alguns outros talvez tenham me apenas ignorado. Provavelmente nem todos tenham entendido o quanto a vida me é importante e querida. Conheço a dor da perda irreparável de uma pessoa amada e sei o quanto ela dói. Sinto o bater aflito de um coração materno à espera do retorno de um filho e sei que esse sentimento é divino e, portanto, proveniente de Deus. Humildemente consagrei minha vida a isso... proteger o que de mais precioso foi colocado sobre a terra - o homem - e preservar seu bem mais valioso... a vida! Desculpem-me se eu exagerei. JOSELITO FONSECA CORRÊA "TUDO QUE MOVE É SAGRADO E REMOVE AS MONTANHAS COM TODO O CUIDADO" (Beto Guedes & Ronaldo Bastos) 1. A sua página de vôo livre - Guia 4 Ventos Brasil Dr.Joselito Fonseca Correia médico de plantão em Cambuquira ... 4) Treinamento simulado com o Corpo de Bombeiros (realizado diariamente);ório

DOC Life Support in Adventure Sports - World Championships (Paragliding)

Hike Hamman, Australian pilot. Tank you for supporting us!
Pictures: FAI World Championship - Brazil Worlds 2005/DOC Life Support in Adventure Sports
This review was developed by DOC Life Support Team (Dr. Joselito Fonseca Corrêa's Trade Mark). Thank you. Enjoy us! SECTIONS I. Registration / Medical Record / Terms of Responsability II. Teams / Presentation of Responsible Persons III. Team Officiation IV. Flight Safety V. Medical Identification VI. Public Relations of Medical Team - Interpreter VII. Medical Information / Epidemiology VIII. General Medical Service IX. Final Recommendations

DOC Review - World Championships (Section I)

SECTION I On medical records and terms of responsability to be completed at registration. To better perform their duties it's necessary for the medical team to be in possession of all the relevent information about the health of the pilot. Therefore on registration a health questionnaire must be completed together with the terms of responsibility. These documents are confidential and will be kept exclusively in the care of the doctors responsible for the teams. Annexed to the medical card is a request to the pilot for a health report from his doctor in the country of residence adrressed to the medical team of the paraglider world championship. Medical Questionnaire Personal Data Name ___________________________________________________ Date of birth ________________ Sex ____ Colour ____________ Age __________ Profession _______________________ Marital Status ____________ Country of Origin __________ Blood Group __________ In Emergency Notify _______________________________________ Medical Data Physiological History Birth: Normal ( ) Cesarian ( ) Any complications? ( ) Yes ( ) No Growth: ( ) Normal ( ) Abnormal Obs.: __________________________________________________ Family History Diseases present in family persons: ( ) Mellitus diabetes ( ) Arterial hypertension ( ) Hemophilia ( ) Other diseases... Wich? _______________________ Social History Tabacco abuse ( ) Social drinker ( ) Illicit drugs ( ) Previous Pathological History Infant viruses ( ) Allergies and drug remedies ( ) Hepatitus ( ) Infectious diseases ( ) Other disease history: ____________________________ Previous operations (Type and date): ________________________________ Revision of Systems Eyes __________ Glaucoma __________ Ears __________ Nose __________ Throat __________ Diabetes __________ Allergy __________ Intolerance to medication __________ Skin __________ Blood __________ Ganglions __________ Verminoses __________ Chagas __________ Tuberculosis _________ Alcohol __________ Aids __________ Sexual Diseases __________ Toxic abuse __________ Medical drugs in use (name of substance. commercial name, dose, poseology): ___________________________________ Nervous System Convulsion __________ Trauma __________ Depression __________ Psychiatric treatment __________ Digestive System Abdominal pain __________ Heartburn __________ Regurgitation __________ Vomiting __________ Jaundice __________ Vomiting with blood __________ Eructations __________ Diarrhea (type) __________ Feces of dark coloration __________ Constipation __________ Respiratory System Asthma __________ Smoking __________ Pneumonia __________ Tuberculosis __________ Enphisema __________ Dyspneia __________ (Lack of air) __________ Cough (with secretion?) __________ Circulatory System Chest pain __________ Heart attack __________ Edema (swelling) _________ Arterial hypertension __________ Arterial pressure __________ (maximum) __________ (minimum) Urinary System Dysuria __________ Abnormal urination __________ Kidney stone? __________ Passage for stone? __________ Urinary infection Blood in urine (urine with red coloration) __________ Urine pressure (retention) __________ Gynecological System Menarca (initial menstruation) __________ Menopause __________ Final menstruation __________ Menstrual irregularities __________ Discharge __________ Others __________ Locomotory System Lombar pain __________ Cervical pain __________ Dorsal pain __________ Arthralgia __________ Fractures __________ Rheumatism __________ Complementary Exams Record the results and records of the most recent medical exams undergone. Blood Hematological Biochemical Type HIV Others Urine Abnormal elements Sediment Culture Radiographs: Ultra-sonography: Computerised tomographies: Magnetic resonance: Other exams: Terms of Responsibility I authorise the team medics of the Paraglider World Championship 2005 and the hospital medical teams in attendance to provide all the necessary medical care for our survival including surgical procedures and blood transfusions in the event of risk to life. We are aware of the risk inherent in the sport we practice and of the difficult conditions in which the medical team may have to operate (forests,mountains, etc.) and of the varying medical procedures in accordance with the experience, science and system of each specific country. Name: ______________________________________ Country of origin: ______________________________ Document (RG): _______________________________ Signature: ____________________________________

DOC Review - World Championships (Section II)

SECTION II On the medical teams and rescue and those responsible respectively. Medical Teams 1) Life-Support Team I (Ramp) Responsible: Attendence at ramp: Marcos (Municipal Hospital) Transfer (Intensive Care Unit Vehicle) : Ubirajara (Unimed) José do Carmo Filho (Unimed) 2) Life-Support Team II (Satellite) Responsible: Joselito Fonseca Correa (GOUP / ABP) Bernardo Jose de Lima (Orthopedic Support) 3) Hospital Teams I (In Governador Valadares) Reference Hospital: Regional Hospital Trauma Surgery Team: Marcos Emergency Team: Paulo Sergio Intensive Care Team: Service Head 4) Hospital Teams II (Satelite Towns) Reference Hospitals: The principal hospitals of these satelite towns. Responsible: On duty doctors and clinical directors of these hospitals. Rescue Teams 1) Ground Team Reference Organ: Military Firemen Responsible: Major Reginaldo Paxeco Filho 2) Air-Bourne Team Reference Organ: MIlitary Police Responsible: Lieutenant Colonel Luis Fernando de Oliveira Aleixo. 3) Mountain Team Reference Organ: Go Up Brazil Person Responsible: Fernando Matzner (Alpinist / Paraglider)

DOC Review - World Championships (Section III)

SECTION III On the operation of the teams Medical Teams 1) Life Support Team I (Ramp) Formed by two mobile units: - First Mobile Unit: Private ambulance for the transport of patients. Inside contains oxygen and medical material necessary for life support. Will stay at the flight ramp daily during the whole competition (stage). Medical Team: made up of a trauma surgeon and nurse. - Second Mobile Unit: intensive therapy mobile unit. Inside contains all the equipment necessary for intensive treatment of seriously injured patients, such as heart monitor, mechanical ventilator, infusion liquids, defibrillator, surgical material, etc. It will remain ready at the Unimed (Private Health Insurance) Ambulance Station for more serious cases. Medical Team: intensive doctor and standard nurse. Responsibility of Life-Support Team I: 1) Attend all flight accidents that ocurr in the vicinity of the ramp. 2) Take care of the public present at the event. 3) Give life support to the injured person until the hospital unit. 2) Life-Support Team II (Satellite) Composed of the following mobile units: - First Mobile Unit: motorcycle of the trail bike type (equipped for motorcross competition). - Second Mobile Unit: motorcycle of the trail bike type (equipped for motorcross competition). - Third Mobile Unit: motorcycle of the trail bike type (equipped for motorcross competition). - Fourth Mobile Unit: intensive therapy unit of the Fire-Service. Vehicle equipped for the removal of seriously injured patients. Inside contains: mechanical ventilator, heart monitor, defibrilator, infusion liquids, injectable drugs, etc. - Fifth Mobile Unit: Military Police helicopter equipped with material for the transport of a doctor to areas of difficult access and the removal of the victim. Responsability of the Life-Support Team II (Satellite Team): 1) To give life-support to injured pilots in distant areas of access. 2) To give life-support to injured pilots in inhospitable areas. 3) To provide life support for injured pilots during their removal to the hospital emergency unit. 4) Communicate the accident to the hospital unit ind advance of the serious ness of the patients injuries and the hospital care necessary (blood type, transfusion, operation, intensive therapy unit) via cell phone. Medical Team - Emergency doctor with experience in ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) and General Surgery along with specific skills (training in GPS, Alpinism, Rapel, etc). - Orthopedist doctor and traumatologist with a formation in ATLS, General Surgery, Emergency Surgery and Surgery / Trauma of the spinal column. - Standard Nurse with a training in medical emergencies. Support Teams - Motorcross team. Motorcycle riders specialised in driving over difficult terrain. - Fire-Service. Intensive care unit driver and stretcher-bearers trained in the immobilisation and correct transportation of the injured. - Military Police. Helicopter pilots and persons with rescue training. Team Officiation Medical Team: Should be the first to arrive at the accident locale. It's activity should be rapid and precise and sub-divided in four phases: 1st Phase: Interventionist The action of the medics of this team, being the first to attend the victim are vital. The ABCDE of life is involved in this phase and all of the procedures necessary to save and preserve life in accordance with the ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) protocol. 2nd Phase: Intensivist Satellite (ITU-man) A concept created by us (ITU-man) which means the use of resources and procedures of intensive medicine (oxymetry, oxygentherapy, portable digital-instrumental monitering, etc) at the site of the accident and during the whole period of waiting and transport of the patient until arrival at the intensive care mobile unit. 3rd Phase: Intensivist Mobile (Removal in I.T.U. Mobile) With the accident victim already installed in the intensive care mobile unit and clinically stable the medic enters into contact via cell phone with the duty team at the hospital. At this moment the team are solicited to stand by an operating room (is reserved), blood transfusions and / or a vacancy in intensive care. Specific data on the trauma, a necessity or not for a blood transfusion and basic patient information (blood type, allergies, drugs, etc) are passed to the medical team. 4th Phase: Hospital Support Once admitted to hospital the patient will be conducted to the necessary sector (radiology, orthopaedics, general surgery, ITU, etc) accompanied by the medical team responsible for covering all procedures, even assisting surgical operations if necessary. The family and the organisation of the championship are informed and orientated on the condition of the patient. Support Teams The support teams basically function to transport the medical team as quickly as possible to the accident site (motorcycles / helicopter) and facilitate the removal of the patient while he is assisted by the life-support team. The Function Of The Doctor The doctor of the satellite team (Dr. Joselito Fonseca Corrêa) should carry with him all the necessary material for the care of the victim. The backpack carried by him will contain: § Material to maintain the airways free (Tubing material, guedel cannulas, larynxscope, orotraquesis canullas, cricotireostomia material). § Material for hemostasis (gauzes, crepon bandages, surgical sheets, suture material, adhesive tape, etc) § Material for intravenous liquids replacement, (ringer lactate, fisiological serum, plamatic expansor, equipo, gelco, aluminium support with telescopic bases to put flasks of serum). § Medical drugs with injectable use (Decadronâ, Keflinâ, Rocefinâ, etc). § Material for oxygentherapy (aluminium portable cylinder with medicinal oxygen, masks, valves for forced breathing). § Material for general use (scissors, probes, torch, etc) § Thermos flask containing warm water: used for warming intravenous solutions at the accident site, to prevent hypothermia. § Cervical corset. § Small polystyrene box containing ice and plastic bag with thermic seal for the adaption of organs (fingers, members, etc). A pocket bag attached to the waist of the doctor should hold the electronic instruments for vital monitoring, to know: - Oxymetry of the pulse (pulse oxymetre) - Digital sphygmometre with automatic / electronic insufflator - Cardiac / Arterial pulse monitor. - Glycosemeter / Hematimeter The medical team will also take with them other instruments to know: - GPS (Global Positioning System), binoculars, whistle, signalling rockets, radio and cell phones for rapid localisation of the site of the injured pilot. - Notebook containing § Medical record of all the pilots § Maps of the entire terrain with asphalt roads, dirt roads, off road tracks, paths and geographical faults for the evaluation of the shortest and quickest route and helicopter landing sites. § General map connected to GPS (Global Positioning System) to orientate the team on the localisation and possibilities of return. 3) The Hospital Teams I After the removal of the injured person to the hospital of reference in the Municipality of Governador Valadares (Regional Hospital) he will be attended by the team in whatever way is necessary (General Surgery, Orthopoedics, etc). The activity realised by each team will be in accordance with routine medical care in use in this hospital unit. 4) The Hospital Teams II In the case of accidents outside the Municipality of Governador Valadares we will count on the support team in each neighbouring town in a radius of apporximately 150 kilometers (towns of Ipatinga, Caratinga, Dom Cavati, Conselheiro Pena, Frei Inocêncio) and the on duty medical teams in their principal hospitals. The Military Police will also be called on in case of necessity. Rescue Teams 1) Ground Teams Will work in accordance with normal routines in use by the Fire-Service. 2) Aerial Team Will work in accordance with normal routines in use by the Military Police. 3) Mountain Team The rescue teams will have Cemig cell phones to effect a shut down of high tension networks in case of accidents. Mountain Rescue Team Activity in Paragliding Objectives: Mountain rescue team are used in moutainous or forested areas in which the victim is found in areas of difficult access. The team is formed by people specialised in specific tecniques of removal from the accident site, in this specific case for paraglider pilots. The Team: The team should be formed by a minimum of 6 integrants, with the following requirements: 5 with a background in alpinism, high altitude tecniques, first aid and knowledge of movement in forested areas. 1 doctor or para-medic with basic training in heights and movement in forested areas. CURRICULUM VITAE Fernando Matzner 45 years old Qualifications: § Professional Alpinist for more than 20 years, with various courses attended in the Swiss, German and Austrian Alps that are summarised in climbing tecniques on rock and ice, rescue techniques, logistics, expeditions, environment and ecology. § Small businessman: equipment shop, courses and eco-tourism. § Instructor in alpine activities, speleology, paragliding, rescue and transport of injured in caves, mountains and forests. § Lectorer in environmental education, mountain and forest walking. § Training for fire-men and civil construction companies in safety equipment used at altitude. § Participation in the technical direction and one of the founders of the APP (Paulista Association of Paragliding). § Rendered service in work on altitude safety equipment and leading, assessor and furnisher of such for tv and magazine commercials. § Various climbs realised of which the more important are the conquest of the Peak of the Pedra de Baú (Campos de Jordão), Aconcaguá (Argentina), Mont Blanc (France, Switzerland), Matterhorn, Switzerland and others in Italy, Austria and Germany. § Participation in National One World Paragliding championships always finishing among the favorites. § Alpine instructor since 1975. § Flight experience in paragliding best distances. 1995 Governador Valadares 80 km distance cross-country. 1996 Andradas / Socorro 72 km distance cross-country. 1996 Andradas / Mogi-Guaçu 60 km distance cross-country. 1996 Andradas / Poços de Caldas, triangulation in Santa Rita de Caldas. Total distance covered 73 km. Besides a further 7 flown beyond 45 km between 1990 and 1997 participation in almost all national events and championships with stage a places for third, fifth and seventh place in paulista and brazilian championships and always among the favorites. At present flying for leisure with average distances of 80 km cross-country. Fernando Matzner

DOC Review - World Championships (Section IV)

SECTION IV On flight safety 1) Compulsory check-list for all pilots. Check list 1) Check the reserve parachuti. 2) Check the fastining of the reserve parachuti. 3) Check all the sewings. 4) Check the sewings of the seat. 5) Check if the fastining is closed before taking off. 2) Cell phones Pilots should bring their own cell phones to the championship. The line will be switched on in Brazil. 3) Notification of flight accidents.

DOC Review - World Championships (Section V)

SECTION V On Medical Identification Adhesives will be printed to be fixed to helmuts, saddles and pilot wear containing relevent information for the medical team. The information will be condensed into the following form: Medical record number (Ex: 152); surname (Ex: Corrêa); inscription number (Ex: 326); blood type (Ex: A+); allergy to medical drugs (Ex: aspirin); chronic disease (Ex: diabetes); health plan (Ex: Unimed); telephone (for contact). Abbreviated, this information will read like this: 152; Corrêa; 326; A+; AAS; DM; Unimed; 03591138473.

DOC Review - World Championships (Section VI)

SECTION VI Public Relations of the Medical Team - Interpreter - Will make contact with the family in case of accidents besides the clarification of medical services, medical drugs and instructions for use, necessary for foreign pilots. Although the doctors and medics have some english language knowledge the interpreter can assist any consultation (with the authorisation of the patient) for a more precise elaboration of medical data. Interpreter Leslie Anthony Walsh - 55 years old. Interpreter, translater and english teacher. U.K. native, living in Brazil since 1981. Taught for 10 years at the cultura inglesa, São Paulo and a further 4 years in companies in the São Paulo area. Living in Cambuquira - MG, since 1997 offering English Courses, translation and interpreter services. Actual post-graduate teacher and ex Cambridge boards examiner.

DOC Review - World Championships (Section VII)

SECTION VII Medical Information and Epidemiology § Vaccines for yellow fever should be taken at least 10 days before the event. § Tetanus vaccines must be taken in country of origin (obrigatory). § Hepatitas vaccines should be taken in country of origin at least 3 months before (obrigatory). § All vaccine certificates will be checked before the start of the championship. § Anti-doping tests may be realised.Daily medical care will be realised in english language with the help of an interpreter (with the consent of the patient). The medical training for such activity is carried out in accordance with the norms utilised in clinical cases of "Standardised Patients", a system adopted by some medical schools such as the Medical School of the University of Southern Illinois

DOC Review - World Championships (Section VIII)

SECTION VIII General Medical Services Medical routine of the Brazilian Paraglider Championships. 1) Inscription 2) Routine at the ramp 3) Routine at the HQ (area where pilots gather at the end of the day after each championship stage). Routine during the 1) Inscription § Presentation of the doctor to pilots. § Orientation of pilots on rescue and medical team work. Advice on local diseases / illness and it’s prevention, flight safety, first aid and procedures in case of accidents. § Interview with pilots to obtain basic health data (blood type, medical allergies, chronic diseases, medical drugs in use, etc) § Verification of vaccination cover of pilots, especially anti-tetanus. § Emission of medical prescriptions for those pilots not covered for anti-tetanus vaccination. § Emission of requests for blood type to all pilots without prior knowledge. § Verification of any eating intolerance and / or food allergies to orient restaurants, pilot headquarters and hotel chefs. § Verification of the presence of any respiratory allergy for orientation of hotels and guest houses as to the change and maintenance of pillows, mattresses and blankets. § Information to pilots about their respective donars and transfusors and of the fraternal responsibility of each to one another in case of extreme necessity. § Solicitation of consent to inscribed pilots for the realisation of medical procedures in accordance with the ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) in case of accidents. Signing of the terms of responsibility. § Additional material with reference to hygiene and epidemiological precautions and the prevention of local diseases. 2) Routine at the ramp § General advice to spectators through the sound system on necessary safety measures Ex.: - No children allowed to play near flight ramps or near to pilots at the moment of take-off. - No smoking near paragliders. - No leaving of empty bottles of water or soft drink containers on the ground. § General advice to pilots trough the sound system on pertinent flight security measures, as well as bask care with eyeglass cleanliness, hydration and sun protection. § Verification of toilet facilities and orientation of maintenance personnel for cleaning procedures, hydraulic maintenance and sewage system, water tratment (chlorated), elimination of Aedes aegyptis focus points besides replacement of toilet paper and trash bin clearance. § Availability to pilots of eyeglass flannels, sun protector and drinking water. This is an essential activity in the prevention of accidents, sunburn and dehydration. § Verification of communication systems (radio and cell phones) of the rescue team, the ambulances and Fire-Service vehicles, the medical team and on duty medic. § Verification of the rescue material in terms of state of conservation and functioning (Fire-Service, Group Brazil). § Verification of medical and nursing material (cannulas, surgical material, infusion liquids, equipos, medical drugs, etc). § Verification of medical vehicles and their working order and the state of the life-support material (bird, oxymetre, defibrilator, oxygen tank, cardiac monitor). § Verification of rescue vehicle, it’s working order and the state of the material (ropes, snap hooks, stretchers, chain saws, etc). § Simulated training realised daily with the Fire-Service, rescue and medical teams. § Simulated training with the pilot confined to his saddle to access the best rescue scenario and medical help in accidents. § Communication with the organisation in the minutes which precede the opening of the starting gate, giving a readiness signal by the life-support team (Fire-Service / Ambulance Rescue), after checking and revising all items. § Team on allert until the last pilot has taken off. 3) Routine at the HQ § Health check for all pilots at the end of each stage during flight marking at HQ. § Cleaning, asepsis, anti-sepsis and dressing of recent wounds and lacerations. § Daily dressing (cushion type) of earlier fractures of the spinal column. § Check on osteomuscular and articular lesions, evaluation of their seriousness, treatment and / or directing of patient to the specialised unit most adequate for the case. § General advice over the sound system on various subjects. Ex.: - Summary of high-tension networks in the area of the championship. - Advice on the localisation and name of reference hospitals in the championship area (emergency landing). - First-aid tips. - Tips on accident prevention and flight security. - Suggestions on routines to be followed in case of accidents. - Stimulas for pilots to abort the day's competition if near another injured pilot and the application of first aid to such, besides advising the exact localisation and best ground access for the organization and rescue.

DOC Review - World Championships (Section IX)

SECTION IX Final Recommendations Simple suggestions to pilots: 1) First-Aid § Don’t move the victim until rescue team has arrived. § Follow the ABC of life: Airways: clear the airways, removing with the help of a cloth all blood and remains found. Breath: try to ease the breathing of the injured pilot. Circulation: with the help of a cloth continually compress the areas of bleeding. Desabilities: ask the injured pilot if there is tingling or pain in any part of the body, and if there is any difficulty of movement in arms and legs (don't move excessively) inform the medical team by cell phone or radio as quickly as possible. Exposure: remove excess clothing and look for lesions (bleeding, bruising, etc). § Repeat the ABC of life. 2) Injured Pilot After a fall the best tip is not to move while waiting for help. Observe if there is any tingling or pain anywhere or if it is possible to feel or move the legs. Inform the medical team of everything besides blood type, vaccines, allergies to drugs, diseases you have and drugs being used. 3) Eyeglasses It’s advisable that eyelenses in use (goggles, sunglasses or spectacles) are always clean to avoid visual discomfort which can upset flight concentration even slight but continuous. Those using corrective lenses are advised not to fly without glasses even when the visual defect / refractive error is small not to spoil concentration. For this reason spare glasses are always welcome. 4) Hydration Good hydration is necessary so as not to impair flight performance. Intense dedication during the competition may lead pilots to neglect taking liquids and consequently to a slow and silent dehydration. Dehydration and a low level of eletrolites circulating in the bloodstream can cause cramp, muscle pain, tiredness and low levels of concentration that can also occur during the flight. 5) Medical Care During the Competition Avoid auto-medication even when you judge the motive to be simple. Wounds and sprains should be treated on the same day by a professional doctor. 6) Anti-Tetanus Vaccinnation Generally at landing sites there are animal feces on the ground and rusty barbed wire fences, favourite places for Clostridium tetanii, the cause of Tetanus. Try to get vaccinated or get a booster if longer than10 years has elapsed since the last vaccination. This measure can save a life. 7) Dengue / Yellow Fever Try to find out if there are cases of dengue or yellow fever in the cities you will fly. Ask the hotel or guest house owner if there are Aedes aegyptis mosquitoes in the area and protect yourself using mosquito repellent. 8) Blood Type Knowing your blood type is a must for all practioners of radical sports. Ask for your own doctor’s help in this. It can save your life. 9) Health Plans Some health plans have no cover for radical sports. Check your own health cover and choose the best one for your health. 10) Dermatitis Try to find out about plants which cause skin irritations to pilots (the case of the california pepper tree [Aroeira] or nettles) after landing in forested areas avoid contact with them. Text elabored by Joselito Fonseca Corrêa, MD and founding member of the Brazilian Association of Paragliders, excercising medicine and developing free-flight medical routines in the Brazilian Paraglider Championships / Circuit (Go Up Brazil).

DOC - Advices

Notice to pilots regarding medical care 1. Inscription 1.1 PESENTATION 1.2 The medical team assigned to the event will use a siren of compressed gas to announce its arrival near an accient location. 1.3 All pilots must carry an emergency whistle or a flare to use as soon as they hear the siren of compressed gas from the medical team. 1.4 The faster the medical team arrives on the location of the accident, the greater the chances of survival of the pilot will be. 1.5 The pilot victim of an accident must communicate, either with the medical team or with the members of the organization, the exact positon of his fall, the kind of ground and topography, as well as the best access by land. 1.6 The pilots who fly over the location of an accident must communicate as soon as possible, either with the medical team or with the members of the organization, the exact positon of the fall, the kind of ground and topography as well as the best access by land. 1.7 Pilots who did not provide their medical profile must do it as soon as possible. 1.8 Pilots who did not sign the limits of responsablity regarding to medical care must do it as soon as possible. 1.9 Pilots who are not vaccinated against the tetanus or whose date of vacination is more than ten years old must inform the medical team as soon as possible. 1.10 Pilots who do not know their blood group must contact the medical team as soon as possible. 1.11 Pilots who suffer from allergies to drugs must contact the medical team as soon as possible. 1.12 Pilots must verify their safety equipment before take-off: - Reserve parachute. - Fasteners of the reserve parachute. - Seams of the harness. - All seams on the equipment. - Fasteners of the leg loops and the waist belt. 1.13 In the event of serious accident, pilots who fly in the vicinity must give up the competition and offer their assistance to the victim. The team who holds the event will not forget this gesture of fraternity. 1.14 The telephone number (cellular phone) of the doctor assigned to the event is (035) 9113-8473. Enter this number your cellular phone. 1.15 First aid to victims of accident: - Do not to move the victim while waiting for the medical team. - Apply the following ABCDE method: A: Airway – If obstructed, free the respiratory airway by cleaning it with a tissue or even a shirt. Any blood present in the mouth must be removed. B: Breath - Try to facilitate the breathing of the victim. C: Circulation - Using a tissue or a shirt, maintain a constant pressure one the locations of intense bleeding. D: Disability - Ask the victim if he/she feels pain or has a tingling sensatoin in any part of the body, or if he/she has difficulty (or even impossibility) to move his/her arms or legs (no sudden movement). Inform the medical team by phone or radio as soon as possible. E: Exposure - Remove the flying equipment (cut it if you have to) without moving the victim, and search for any sign of intense bleeding. Repeat all the whole ABCDE procedure. 1.16 Advice to pilots victims of an accident: do not move while waiting for help. Notice if you feel pain or a tingling sensation in any part of your body, or if you cannot feel or move your legs. Inform the medical tram of your state of health. 1.17 Keep your sunglasses clean to avoid visual discomfort which could reduce your concentration in flight. 1.18 Pilots who wear corrective lenses must carry them in flight. Even if the correction is weak, not wearing them reduces your concentration. 1.19 Pilots focused on the competition tend to forget to take fluids and this slowly leads to dehydration. Dehydration, by reducing the level of blood electrolytes, can produce faintings, muscular tiredness or a loss of concentration in flight. 1.20 Do not take drugs without prescription, even if you think that you know what you are suffering from. In case of wounds or traumatisms, consult the medical team on the same day. 1.21 In the state of Minas Gerais, the grounds where you land are likely to present excrements of animals and rusted barbed wires, medium of predilection for Clostridium tetanii, which causes a fatal disease with fast development called tetanus. Vaccination is important and must be repeated at every ten years. This vaccination can save your life. 1.22 Ask the hotel where you stay regarding mosquitos. If they are present, you must use a mosquito repellent to avoid contracting the yellow fever or the dengue. 1.23 It is obligatory for the adepts of extreme of sports to know their blood group. If you do not know it, ask the medical team to administer a test. 1.24 Check that your medical insurance covers adventure sports 1.25 Learn how to recognize the plants thatr cause irritations. The dense vegetation can contain plants like the nettle and aroeira-of-bugre. Avoid landing there. 1.26 Use sunscreen of at least level FPS 30. 1.27 Pay attention to powerlines. 1.28 Get inform on local diseases and their prevention. 1.29 Always have with you the telephone number of the hospital of the area where you fly. 1.30 Enter the telephone number of the medical team in your cellular phone. 1.31 The medical team is available 24 hours a day. Joselito Fonseca Corrêa DOC – Life Support in Adventure Sports First Aid for Adventure Sports GOUP Brazil Translated from Portuguese by Ákyla Soares Corrêa Jean-François Paradis

DOC - Avis (aux pilotes au sujet)

Avis aux pilotes au sujet des soins médicaux 1. Inscription 1.1 PRESENTATION 1.2 L’équipe médicale affectée au championat utilizera une sirène au gaz comprimé pour annoncer son arrivée à proximité de l’endroit où se trouvera un pilote victime d’un accient. 1.3 Tout pilote doit se munir d’un sifflet d'urgence ou d’une fusée de signalisation qu’il utilisera dès qu’il entends la sirène au gaz comprimé de l’équipe médicale. 1.4 Plus l’équipe médicale arriva rapidement sur les lieux de l’accident, plus grandes seront les chances de survie du pilote. 1.5 Le pilote victime d’un accident doit communiquer, soit à l’équipe médicale, soit aux membres de l’organisation, la positon exacte de sa chute, le genre de terrain et de topographie ainsi que le meilleur accès terrestre. 1.6 Les pilotes qui survolent les lieux d’un accident doivent communiquer aussitôt que possible, soit à l’équipe médicale, soit aux membres de l’organisation, la positon exacte de la chute, le genre de terrain et de topographie ainsi que le meilleur accès terrestre. 1.7 Les pilotes qui n’ont pas soumis leur profil médical doivent le faire aussitôt que possible. 1.8 Les pilotes qui n’ont pas signé les limites de responsablité en regard des services médicaux doivent le faire le aussitôt que possible. 1.9 Les pilotes qui ne sont pas vaccinés contre le tétanos ou dont la date de vacination remonte à plus de dix ans doivent informer l’équipe médicale aussitôt que possible. 1.10 Les pilotes qui ne connaissent pas leur groupe sanguin doivent contacter l’équipe médicale aussitôt que possible. 1.11 Les pilotes qui souffrent d’allergies à certains médicaments doivent contacter l’équipe médicale aussitôt que possible. 1.12 Les pilotes doivent s’assurer du bon fonctionnement de leur équipement de sécurité avant le décollage: - Parachute de secours. - Attaches du parachute de secours. - Coutures de la sellette. - Toutes les coutures du reste de l’équipement. - Boucles des sangles de retenue. 1.13 En cas d’accident grave, les pilotes qui volent à proximité doivent abandonner la compétition et offrir leur aide à la victime. L’équipe qui organize l’événement n’oubliera pas ce geste de fraternité. 1.14 Le numéro de téléphone (cellulaire) du médecin du championat est (035) 9113-8473. Entrez ce numéro dans votre téléphone cellulaire. 1.15 Premiers soins aux victimes d’accident: - Ne pas déplacer la victime tant que l'équipe médicale n'est pas sur place. - Appliquer la méthode ABCDE suivante: A: Airway - Dégager les voies respiratoires en utilisant s'il le faut un morceau de tissus. Tout résidus de sang présent dans la bouche doit être nettoyé. B: Breath - Essayez de faciliter la respiration de la victime. C: Circulation - À l'aide d'une morceau de tissus, maintenez une pression constante sur les endroits de saignement abondant. D: Disability - Demandez à la victime si elle ressent de la douleur ou une sensation de picotement dans une partie du corps, ou si elle éprouve de la difficulté voire l'impossibilité de bouger les bras ou les jambes (aucun mouvement brusque). Informer l'équipe médicale par téléphone cellulaire ou par radio aussitôt que possible. E: Exposure - Retirez l'équipement de vol (en le coupant s'il le faut) sans déplacer la victime, et recherchez les signes d'hémorragies externes. Répétez toute la procédure ABCDE. 1.16 Conseils pout pilotes victimes d'accident: ne bougez pas en attendant les secours. Observez si vous ressentez de la douleur ou une sensation de picotement dans une partie du corps ou si vous ne pouvez pas sentir ou bouger vos jambes. Informez l'équipe médicale de votre état de santé. 1.17 Maintenez vos lunettes de soleil propres afin d'évitez un méconfort visuel qui pourrait vous déconcetrer en vol. 1.18 Les pilotes qui possèdent des verres correcteurs doivent les porter en vol. Même si la correction est faible, ne pas les porter peut réduire votre concentration. 1.19 Un pilote concentré sur la compétition peut oublier d'ingérer des fluides ce qui crée une deshydratation lente. La déshydratation, en réduisant le niveau des électrolytes sanguins, peut entraîner des évanouissements, de la fatigue musculaire ou une baisse de concentration en vol. 1.20 Ne prenez pas de médicaments sans consulation, même si vous pensez bien connaître ce dont vous souffrez. Dans le cas de blessures ou traumatismes, consultez l'équipe médicale le jour même. 1.21 Dans l'état du Minas Gerais, les terrains où vous vous posez ont de fortes chances de présenter des excréments d'animaux et des fils barbelés rouillés, milieu de prédilection pour Clostridium tetanii, qui cause une maladie fatale à développemnt rapide appelée le tétanos. La vaccination est importante et doit être répétée à tous les dix ans. Cette vaccination peut vous sauver la vie. 1.22 Informez-vous à l'hôtel où vous logez au sujet des moustiques. S'il sont présents, il est nécessaire d'employer une lotion chasse-moustique pour éviter de contracter la fièvre jaune ou la dengue. 1.23 Il est obligatoire pour les adeptes de sports extrêmes de connaître leur groupe sanguin. Si vous l'ignorez, demandez à équipe médicale de vous administer un test. 1.24 Vérifiez que votre assurance médicale couvre les sports d'aventure. 1.25 Apprenez à reconnaître les plantes qui causent l'urticaire. La végétation dense peut contenir des plantes comme l'ortie et l'aroeira-de-bugre. Evitez de vous y poser. 1.26 Utilisez une protection solaire de nivreau FPS 30 (au minimum). 1.27 Faites attention aux lignes électriques. 1.28 Informez-vous sur les maladies locales et leur prévention. 1.29 Ayez toujours sur vous le numéro de téléphone de l'hôpital de l'endroit où vous volez. 1.30 Entrez le numéro de téléphone de l'équipe médicale dans votre téléphone cellulaire. 1.31 L'équipe médicale est disponible 24 heure sur 24. Texte par Docteur Joselito Fonseca Corrêa Doc – Life Support in Adventure Sports (Premiers Soins aux Sports d'Aventure) Traduit du Portugais par Ákyla Soares Corrêa Jean-François Paradis

World Tribe - Médecine du sport/FAI

Mr. Dennis Pagen (University of Philadelfia), superintendente da C.I.V.L. (Comissão Internacional de Vôo Livre) da F.A.I. (Federação Aeronáutica Internacional), nosso amigo e pessoa de confiança no Paraglider Worlds.
FAI/GoUp team, nossa "creditation" para atuar no Paraglider Worlds.
A equipe FAI Oficial, sempre presente e atuante, nos fornecendo informações sobre todas as provas tais como rotas de vôo, resgate, GPS e dados meteorológicos.
Merci le docteur Bigot, très bon medicién, et tout le FAI.

Doutor Hibert Bigot, francês, que tem batalhado conosco em busca de apoio institucional e patrocínio para a medicina do esporte, especificamente a medicina do vôo livre. Discutimos a possibilidade de criar a "Societé Internationale de Médicin du Voe Livre".

Jeff Fauchier Le médical Suivi L'année 2003 devait voir se mettre en place le suivi médical longitudinal des athlètes suivant le cahier des charges défini par la loi du Sport de 1999 et la mise en place d'un suivi médical permanent des équipes lors des déplacements et des événements majeurs. La mise à jour de la surveillance paraclinique (ECG, échocardiographie, tests d'effort en milieu cardiologique...) et les tests biologiques trisannuels ont mis à rude épreuve le budget de la commission. Le calendrier des compétitions internationales (championnats du monde, pré-européens) a aggravé notre dépassement. Mais le travail s'est effectué sans lacune, même si certains événements (championnats de France) ont nécessité de recourir partiellement à des médecins extérieurs à la FFVL. Depuis 2003, chaque commission médicale peut décider, dans un cadre minimal imposé, du contenu des évaluations médicales et biologiques de sa fédération. En gros, un examen biologique annuel de moins et un élagage sérieux des examens spécialisés sans objet pour notre sport, sont programmés. Professionnalisation Pour ma part, j'ai entrepris en 2002/2003 une spécialisation en médecine du sport au CHU de Grenoble, en sus de ma capacité en médecine aéronautique de 1981. Spécialisation rendue nécessaire pour continuer à présider la commission conformément aux directives actuelles. Mon ami, le Dr Hubert Bigot fera de même l'an prochain pour les mêmes raisons. Il faut espérer que tout ceci n'aura pas servi à rien si la réduction des crédits ministériels rend ces investissements inutiles. Avec un tel couperet financier, j'ai un peu la crainte que l'extension des activités médicales vers le cerf-volant et le kite reste virtuelle. Mais comme disait Guillaume d'Orange, il n'est pas nécessaire d'espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer. Jean-François Clapé

World Tribe

FAI World Championship - Brazil Worlds 2005
NATJECANJA 2005. Datum Natjecanje Mjesto Kontakt + INFO 18.02. Parapro Paramotoring Rally of NZ (16 days!) Rotorua to Queenstown,New Zealand Dave Dennis Parapro 19-26 02 Bright PG Open Bright, Australia email web 20-26 02 Wigwam Open / South African Championships Wigwam (near Rustenburg), North West Province, South Africa Deon Cilliers web 11-27 03 9th World Paragliding Championship Governador Valadares, Brazil email web 23-30 04 PWC Sopot, Bulgaria Sopot, Bulgaria email 25.05.-29.05. 2005 Ivanec Open Ivanec - Croatia email web 29 05- 4 06 British Open - Round 1 Mayrhofen, Austria web 4-11 06 PWC Bourg Saint Maurice Bourg Saint Maurice, France email 11-18 06 Ozone Chabre Open (Serial Class Open) Laragne, France email web 12-18 06 Nordic Open Annecy, France email web 18-26 06 Spanish National Championship Berga, Avia - Catalonia, SPAIN web 22-30 06 FAI European PG Open Morzine, Avoriaz - Les Gets, France email web 2-9 06 PWC Nis Nis, Serbia & Montenegro email 3-8 07 Dutch Open Piedrahita (Avila). Spain web 7-10 07 6th International Air Festival of El Yelmo El Yelmo (Jaen, Andalusia) SPAIN web 10-16 07 British Open - Round 2 Piedrahita, Spain web 15-23 07. ISTRA open Buzet - Istra email web 16-23 07 PWC Monte Cornizzolo Monte Cornizzolo, Italy email 24 07 - 01 08 Slovenian Open 2005 Kobarid, Slovenia email 6-13 08 PWC Serra da Estrela Serra da Estrela, Portugal email 8-14 08 3rd FAI World Paragliding Accuracy Championship Nis, Serbia & Montenegro email web 11-15 08 Acroaria - Acro Championship Omegna, Italy web 16-21 09 Montana Open 2005 Montana, Bulgaria email Avasport 18-21 09 RedBull Vertigo Acro Pre-World Cup Villeneuve, Switzerland email web 27-30 09 British Open - Round 3 Long Mynd (Bishops Castle), UK web 22-25 10 32th Coupe Icare - St Hilaire's Festival St. Hilaire du Touvet (Rhone-Alps), France web INFO Registrirano je: 157 članovaukupno je 619596 klikova On line Gosti: 1 Automatske postaje Strahinjčica: 098/96 25 825 Ravna Gora: 091/766 08 79 Omanovac: 091/158 65 27 Vrijeme danas Jače naoblačenje s kišom, mjestimice uz grmljavinu, zahvatit će prijepodne južni Jadran i zatim se postupno širiti prema sjevernom Jadranu, Lici i Gorskom kotaru. U sjeverozapadnom području i Slavoniji veći dio dana djelomice sunčano uz promjenjivu naoblaku i tek ponegdje vrlo malo kiše. Jače naoblačenje i kiša očekuje se navečer i u noći uglavnom u dolini Save. Vjetar slab do umjeren sjeveroistočni i istočni, na sjevernom Jadranu većinom bura, a na srednjem i južnom istočnjak i jugo.Najviša dnevna temperatura od 13 do 18,sjeverno od Save između 18 i Vrijeme sutra Noć i jutro oblačno s mjestimičnom kišom, a zatim se očekuje postupno poboljšanje i djelomično razvedravanje. Poslijepodne lokalnih pljuskova, ponegdje uz grmljavinu, može još biti uglavnom u Slavoniji, Lici i unutrašnjosti Dalmacije. Vjetar slab do umjeren sjeveroistočni, na Jadranu u noći i ujutro umjerena i jaka, podno Velebita na udare i olujna bura, zatim će slabiti, a na južnom dijelu Jadrana i prolazno okrenuti na sjeverozapadnjak. Jutarnja temperatura između 8 i 13, najviša dnevna od 15 do 20 C. st., a samo u Gorskom kotaru i Lici malo hladnije. Forumi Zadnjih 3 poruka Sjećanje Od: 29.03.2002 U: 03/29/06 11:09 AM Pregleda 234 Odgovora 0 Sjećanje Od: 29.03.2002 U: 03/29/06 11:06 AM Pregleda 176 Odgovora 0 Start u blizini.. Od: Admin U: 03/17/06 08:14 AM Pregleda 432 Odgovora 3

Word Tribe - Sérvia e Montenegro

τριήμερο 14ου Πρωταθλήματος. Παπαδάτες Αερ. Σωματείο Ήπειρος 6 - 8 Μαΐου 2ο τριήμερο 14ου Πρωταθλήματος. Εμπεσός Αερ. Αγρινίου 27 - 29 Μαΐου Εξαήμερο 14ου Πρωταθλήματος. Έδεσα Αερ. Σύλογος Πέλλας 23 - 29 Ιουλίου 4ο Πανελλήνιο Πρωτάθλημα Ακριβείας. Χανόπουλο Αερ. Άρτας. 3 - 4 Σεπτεμβρίου Διασυλλογικοί αγώνες Τόπος Διοργάνωση Ημερομηνίες Φαλάσερνα Κρήτης Αερολέσχη Ερμής 4 και 5 Ιουνίου Πετρούσα Δράμας Αερολέσχη Δράμας 16 έως 19 Ιουνίου Αβδού Κρήτης Αερολέσχη Ηρακλείου 2 και 3 Ιουλίου Αβδού Κρήτης Αερολέσχη Ικαρος 20 και 21 Αυγούστου Πρόγραμμα PWC 2005 Χώρα Πόλη Πιλότοι Ημερομηνίες BULGARIA Sopot 125 23 - 30 Απριλίου 2005 FRANCE Bourg St Maurice 125 4 -11 Ιουνίου 2005 SERBIA Nis 125 2 -9 Ιουλίου 2005 ITALY Monte Cornizzolo 125 16 - 23 Ιουλίου 2005 PORTUGAL Serra da EStrela 125 6 - 13 Αυγούστου 2005 Πρόγραμμα PWC 2005 Χώρα Πόλη Πιλότοι Ημερομηνίες BULGARIA Sopot 125 23 - 30 Απριλίου 2005 FRANCE Bourg St Maurice 125 4 -11 Ιουνίου 2005 SERBIA Nis 125 2 -9 Ιουλίου 2005 ITALY Monte Cornizzolo 125 16 - 23 Ιουλίου 2005 PORTUGAL Serra da EStrela 125 6 - 13 Αυγούστου 2005 Πρόγραμμα FAI 2005 Ημ/νίες Συνάντηση Τοπος 11/03/2005 - 27/03/2005 9th FAI World Paragliding Championship Governador Valadares (Brazil) 22/06/2005 - 30/06/2005 2005 FAI European Paragliding Open Morzine - Avoriaz / Les Gets (France) 08/08/2005 - 14/08/2005 3rd FAI World Paragliding Accuracy Championship Nis (Serbia and Montenegro)

World Tribe - Ukrainian Nationals

From Mon Nov 7 12:53:02 2005Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 12:52:50 +0200From: tertsone@lut.fiSubject: syystapaaminen, Olegin ura Terps, Vaikka majoituskapasiteetti alkaa Revontulessa olla lopuillaan, syystapahtumaan saa ja _pitääkin_ osallistua! Kannattaa kysellä jos kavereiden mökkeihin mahtuisi... Uskaliaimmat viihtynevät vielä teltassakin, aito liitäjähän tunnetusti nukkuu vaikka taivasalla kunhan liidin vain pysyy kuivana. Yleisön pyynnöstä, tässä vielä vieraamme Olegin ura lyhyesti maailmanmestarin itse kertomana. Started flying in 1984, in Kiev. 1986 - first cross country flight = 120 km.1986 - Ukrainian Nationals - 1st. (Six times Ukrainian Champion altogether)1989 - my first international comp - Europeans in Slovenia - 24th. Many different comps consisting of former USSR Team in 1988 - 1992. Somegood results at the national comps in USSR, but nothing outstanding at the International comps. Not much flying in 1993 - 1994 due to bad economical situation in the country. 1995-1996 - working for La - Mouette, a lot of comp flying. Many thanks toGerard Thevenot for teaching me how to compete.1995 - Worlds, Ager - 11th, flying a first kingpostless glider - Topless.1997 - Started working for Aeros. To make the story shorter I will give you just results from major compswhere I have been on podium. 1997 - French Nationals - 2nd1997 - 1st World Air Games, Turkey - 2nd1988 - Australian Nationals -2nd1988 - Bogong Cup, Australia - 2nd1988 - Worlds, Forbes, Australia - 2nd1988 - Sandia Classic, USA - 1st1988 - US Nationals, Dinosaur - 2nd1999 - Flattlands, Forbes - 1st1999- Bogong Cup, Australia - 1st1999- Australian Nat's - 2nd1999 - Bassano, Italy - 3d1999 - Wallaby Open, USA - 2nd1999 - US Nationals - 2nd1999 - Pre-Europeans, Slovakia - 3d1999 - Speed Gliding Pre-Worlds, Greece - 1st2000 - Brazilian Nat's, Gov. Valadares - 3d2000 - Spanish Nat's - 1st2000 - Europeans, Austria - 3d2000 - Speed Gliding Worlds, Greece - 3d2001 - Red Bull Speed Run, Austria - 2nd2002 - Australian Open - 1st2002 - Wallaby Open, USA - 1st2002 - Flytec Championship, USA - 1st2002 - Pre-Worlds, Brazil - 1st2003 - Australian Open - 1st2003 - Bogong Cup, Australia - 1st2003 - Flytec Championship, USA - 2nd2003 - Wallaby Open, USA - 1st2003 - Pre-Europeans, Millau, France - 3d2004 - Pre-Worlds, Australia - 2nd2004 - Bogong Cup, Australia - 1st2004 - Flytec Championship, USA - 1st2004 - Florida Ridge Champ., USA - 1st2004 - Croatian Open, Croatia - 1st2004 - Russian Open, Russia - 1st2005 - Australian Nat's - 1st2005 - Worlds, Hay, Australia - 1st2005 - Bogong Cup, Australia - 2nd2005 - Brazilian Nat's, Valadares - 1st2005 - Flytec Championship, USA - 1st2005 - Florida Ridge Champ., USA - 1st2005 - German Open, Austria - 2nd t. Jani if(window.yzq_p==null)document.write(""); if(window.yzq_p)yzq_p('P=U6nEQEJe56hiL9Lc.nePzQHKyNJzB0RrlZQAAsvx&T=13t29c5sh%2fX%3d1147901332%2fE%3d2114710025%2fR%3dbrsrcgsp%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d1.1%2fW%3dJR%2fY%3dBR%2fF%3d2734720909%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d24AA49D1'); if(window.yzq_s)yzq_s();

World Tribe

from Mittwoch, 16.03.2005 16:06 Voting for World Championship 2005 The 9th World Paragliding Championship starts at 12th of March in Valadares/Brasil.Because of this, Airwave wants to know, who, in your opinionwill win the world championship. Let us know and vote now... >>> more info Newsarchiv: 1 if(window.yzq_p==null)document.write(""); if(window.yzq_p)yzq_p('P=Zn4WgEJe56hJNFBGGa1ddAEzyNJzB0RriwIACu7M&T=13tr2gep1%2fX%3d1147898626%2fE%3d2114710025%2fR%3dbrsrcgsp%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d1.1%2fW%3dJR%2fY%3dBR%2fF%3d1270527829%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3dAAE55E42'); if(window.yzq_s)yzq_s();