No mês de março de 2012, faremos (Dr. Joselito) Curso de Modulação Hormonal com o americano Dr. Jeffry Life, esse médico da foto, antes e depois de seu próprio tratamento médico ou seja, 70 anos com um corpinho de 30. Foi ele quem preparou Daniel Craig para o filme 007.

In March 2012 we (Dr. Joselito) will learn personally with this man how to help people get a super-fit body. He was the doctor who prepaired Daniel Craig to be 007! And all friends will find it soon at our consulting room! "Oh, you mean the guy with the 70-year-old head and the 20-year-old body-builder body? That picture has got to be Photoshopped." Dr. Jeffry Life smiles general reaction people get about the famous picture of him with his shirt off, the shot that turned a mild-mannered doctor in his mid-60s into a poster boy for super-fit aging and hormone replacement.