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Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum Vitae
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Extra-curriculum data
EXTRACURRICULUM DATA COURSES Classical and Popular Piano / Musical Theory . Private teachers since 1977. Last course taken with Professor Renata Carísio (Bachelor in Piano from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) in Volta Redonda – RJ 1985/1986 Acoustic Guitar – Professor geraldo Flemming , Itamonte MG 1980 Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar accordion and musical theory – Pro-música musical seminars , Volta Redonda. Professors Hiramm Brionne Lee and Vicente Pereira Lima . Volta Redonda RJ 1985-1986 Use of Microcomputers - Volta Redonda , RJ 1993 . course directed towards the Medical area Typing skills – Volta Redonda, RJ 1993 Course in word processer (medical scripts) English Language Courses FISK / Cambridge 1985/2002 – Course at Cambridge School centred on Medical Practice (anamnesis, clinical consultation, politraumatic attendance in World Championship Radical sports, etc) Global Positioning System application (GPS) in trail tracking. University of Santa Marta. Course realized With a view to use in medical activity in politraumatic life-support during medical rescue In radical sports Theoretical-practical course in basic techniques in Rapel, Adventure circuit, São Lourenço. Course taken with a View to use in politraumatic life-support medical activity during medical rescues in adventure sports. ACTIVITIES Cultural activities practiced in childhood and adolescence (retrospective personality analisis): classical piano and children´s theatre (one of the monks in the play “marcelino Bread and Wine”, a magician in the staging of a circus, etc.) Social activities practiced in childhood and adolescence (retrospective personality analisis): Itamonte Social and Recreative Club, Little Block Club (Block editors, Grow Club (Grow Creative Games) Super-heroes Club Ping-Pong (Marvel Super-heroes Power, sponsored by the Ping-Pong chewing gum Industry), Walt Disney Scouts Club (Informative Club on Scouting, membership which is acquired through the Walt Disney Scout Manual) Scientific activity realised in childhood – intense dedication to games that involved the mounting of optical instruments (polyopticon) and manipulation of chemical substances (smallchemical laboratory) . Intense reading of books such as The Young Chemist. Participation in the second Science and Arts Fair of the State School Nilo Peçanha, obtaining a prize for “Most Original Work” (Itamonte) SPORTS · Cycling – ( Mountain bike ) / Motorcycling. Aactivity practiced since childhood in the mountains and trails of Itamonte · Mountaineering – Alpine Sports – practiced since childhood in Itamonte and Itatiaia Park. · Rapel – Practised as part of the basic training to develop life support activity in adveturous sports (hangliding) · Martial arts – Karate, Aikido and Kendo - Practiced with a view to emotional equilibrium and personal defense. VISITS TO FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS · Association of Medical Doctors of Portugal – Lisbon – Portugal · The San José Hospital – Lisbon – Portugal · Portuguese Marine Library / Fiscal Brigade of the Portuguese Navy / Marine Map Sector – Lisbon – Portugal · Commercial Association of Porto – Porto – Portugal · Medical Faculty of the University of Coimbra – Coimbra – Portugal · Medical Faculty of the University of Santiago of Compostela – Santiago – Spain · Medical Faculty of the University of Madrid – Madrid – Spain · Medical Faculty of the University of the Sorbonne – Paris – France · Necker Hospital of Child Maladies – Paris – France · Fatabene Fratelli Hospital – Rome - Italy
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part I)
I – ACADEMIC TRAINING GRADUATION Graduated in Medicine from the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda (ECMVR), Oswaldo Aranha Foundation, on the 17th of December 1994, Volta Redonda RJ INTERNSHIP Curricular Training in Obstetrics and High risk Pediatrics at the Child Maternal Unit of the State Public Service Hospital (HSE) , during the period from 1st of August to 31st of December 1993. Average monthly evaluations: Notion of Responsibility – level 10,0; Frequency – level 9,0 ; Initiative – level 10,0 ; Operosity – level 8,0 ; Level of Knowledge – 10,0; Team Spirit – level 10,0; Special Services Rendered – level 9,0. Rio de Janeiro –RJ Curricular Training in General Surgery – on the 15th Ward of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital of Rio de Janeiro in the service of Professor José Carlos Vinháes – from the period of the 1st of January to th 30th of March 1994. Average Monthly Evaluations : Level of Knowledge – 10,0 ; Initiative – 10,0 ; Participation – 10,0; Puntuality – 9,5 ; Diligence – 10,0; Responsibility – 10,0; Ethical Conduct – 10,0; Personal Presentation- 10,0; relationship with patients – 10,0; Relationship with Colleagues – 10,0- Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Curricular Training in Gynecology and Obstetrics on the 33rd Obstetrics Ward of The santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro, under professor Jorge de Resende, in the period from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 1994. Average monthly evaluations: Level of knowledge – 9,5: Innitiative – 9.5; Participation- 9,0 ; Punctuality 9,5; Personal Presentation 10,0; Relationship with patient – 10,0 ; Relationship with colleagues – 9,0 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Ccurricular Training in General Medicine, on the 4th and 20th Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro, under professor Clementino Fraga Filho , in the period of the 1st of July to the 30th of September 1994 . Average Monthly Evaluations. Level of Knowledge – 8,0; Innitiative 8,5; Participation – 8.5; Punctuality - 7,0 ; Diligence - 7,5; Responsibility – 8,0; Ethical Conduct – 10,0; Personal Presentation – 10,0 , Relationship with Patients – 10,0; Relationship with Colleagues – 10,0 . Rio de Janeiro – RJ Curricular Training in Pediatrics and Neonatology on the33rd Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro under the orientation of Dr. Guilherme Boehmann in the period from 1st of October to the 30th of December 1994. Level of knowledge 9,0; Innitiative – 10,0; Participation – 9,0; Punctuality – 9,0; Diligence – 9,0; Responsibility – 10,0; Ethical Conduct – 10,0; Personal Presentation 9,0; relationship with patients – 10,0; Relationship with Colleagues – 10,0 . Rio de Janeiro – RJ. ACADEMIC TRAINEESHIPS Training in Emergency in the Municipal Casualty of Volta Redonda through the Municipal Health Secretariate in 1992, Volta Redonda, RJ Training in Clinical Opthalmics in the Out-Patient Department Prof. Dr. André Sarmento Bianco School (E.C.M.V.R.). In 1992/1993. With a workload of 300 hours. Volta Redonda RJ Training in Clinical and Surgical Opthalmics in the Rozuel Zaidan Eye Clinic in 1991, 1992 and 1993, with a workload of 800 hours, Volta Redonda , RJ. SPECIALIZATION Training Programme In General Surgery of The Brazilian College of Surgeons (CBC) , realized in the 13th General Surgical Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro, under professor Augusto Paulino Netto, in the period from March 1997 to June 1998. Note. Only one of the three years demanded by the CBC for obtaining the title of Specialist was concluded. (Due to external Pressure) . Rio de Janeiro, RJ Training in General Surgery in the emergency Sector of the Getúlio Vargas State Hospital from March 1997 to June 1998, as part of the Training Programme of General Surgery of The CBC . Rio de Janeiro , RJ Training in Head and Neck Surgery with surgeons of the National Institute of Cancer (INCA - RJ.) – Cancer Hospital. Realized on the 13th General Surgery Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital , Rio de Janeiro RJ, 38th Plastic Surgery Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro under professor Ivo Pitanguy and Casa de Saúde (Botafogo) as part of the Training Programme in General Surgery of The Brazilian College of Surgeons . Rio de Janeiro , RJ.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part II)
- Almeida, J. B.; Novais, C.E.F.; Corrêa, J.F. – Medical Research in the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. J. Esc. Ciênc. Méd. Volta Redonda I(I): 10, 1994
- Amaral, A. L. P. ; Novais, C.E.F. ; Corrêa, J. F. – Consideration on vaginal candidiasis – J. Esc.
Ciênc. Méd. Volta Redonda, I(I): 8, 1994
- Drummond, M. C.; Novais, C.E F. ; Corrêa, J. F. – Contribution to the Study of Phacomatosis. J.
Esc. Ciêc. Méd. Volta Redonda., I(I):11, 1994
- Corrêa, J.F.; Novais, C.E.F. – Historical Aspects of Experimental Surgery. Informative Organ of
the Oswaldo Aranha Foundation. , 1:3:4, 1994
- Novais, C.E.F. ; Corrêa, J.F. – Deontological Synopsis of Contemporary Medicine. The Anatomi-
cal, 1:1:4, 1994
- Corrêa, J.F. ; Novais, C.E.F. – Manual of Surgical Training in Animals . Volta Redonda,
E.C.M.V.R. / Clinical Surgery 1, 1994. 61p.
- Corrêa, J. F. et al - Ocurrence of Coreoretinitis and Research in serum antibodies anti-Toxo-
plasma gondi (Ecucoccidiida sarcocystidae) in the population of Volta Redonda. Ver. Esc. Ciênc.
Med. Volta redonda, 1:3:20, 1995.
- Corrêa, J. F. – Health in Cambuquira: The Human Being Treated Holistically.
- / Saúde 10p.2001
- Corrêa, J.F. – Report of Medical Activities in the Brazilian Pragliding Championship – Cambuquira Stage. – http;// 5p., 2001
- Corrêa, J.F. – Importance of the Connections of the Nucleous of Real Origin in the Facial Nerve Volta Redonda, 1989. 148p. (Discipline of Anatomy – School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda)
- Corrêa, J. F. - Psychosomatic Disease. Volta Redonda, 1990. 29p. ( Discipline of Medical
Psychology – School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda ).
- Corrêa , J.F. – Beta blockers. Volta Redonda 1991, 39p (Discipline of Pharmacology – School of
Medical Science of Vvolta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Barbiturates. Volta Redonda 1991. 34p ( Discipline of Pharmacology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. - Pediatric Semiology. Volta Redonda, 1992. 112p. (Discipline of Pediatrics – School
of Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Sífilis . Volta Redonda , 1992 . 92p . (Discipline of Dermatology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda}
- Correa, J. F. – Colposcopy . Volta Redonda, 1992 . 38p (Discipline of Gynecology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J.F. - Miastenia Gravis . Volta Redonda, 1993. 53p (Dicipline of Neurology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J.F. - Ureterocele . Volta Redonda , 1993 . 53p. ( Discipline of Urology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Prostate Tumors ., Volta redonda, 1993. 40p. (Discipline of Urology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda
- Corrêa, J. F. - Malign Tumors of the Lung . Volta Redonda, 1993. 63p. ( Discipline of Radiology
- School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Emergency Plan of Public Health . ( State of Public Calamity) Itamonte – MG,1999
( Municipal Health Council – Itamonte Municipal Council)
- Corrêa, J. F. - Report on Medical Activities Realized in Emergency During Period of Flooding.
( State of Public Calamity) in the Itamonte Municipality – Itamonte – MG- 1999 ( Municipal Health Council – Municipal Council of Itamonte).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Report on Medical Activities in the Brazilian Paragliding Champinship –
Cambuquira Stage . Cambuquira MG 2001 . 10p (Municipal Council of Cambuquira – SMS)CCC
- Corrêa, J. F – Crenotherapeutic Program of Public Health for the Prevention of Anemia through
Iron deficiency. Cambuquira, MG, 2001. 10p. ( Municipal Council of Cambuquira – SMS/
Cambuquira Council Chamber.
- Corrêa, J. F. – Report on Crenotherapeutic Activities in the Public Health Sector of Cambuquira.
- Cambuquira, MG, 2001. 20p. ( Municipal Council of Cambuquira/ Municipal Coucil Chamber of Cambuquira/ Public Prosecutor of Cambuquira) .
- Corrêa, J. F. – Paraglider World Championship/ Valadares 2005: Rescue and Medical Care.
Sinaia / Romenia, 2003. 28p. ( Fédération Aeronautique Internationale) .
- Corrêa, J. F. – World Paraglider Championship 2005 : Rescue and Medical Care. Governador
Valadares MG, 2003. 28p. (Goup Brazil/ Municipal Health Council of Governador Valadares/
UNIMED / Fire Brigade / Military Police/ Regional Hospital and Muncipal Hospital of
Governador Valadares).
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part III)
III - PARTICIPATION IN CONGRESSES AND TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS III. - LECTURER: - “Histological and Infrastructural Biochemical Analysis of Tissue components of the cornea of Gallus gallus dom” . III Health Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ , 1993. - “ Surgical Tecnique in Trachaeostomy, Exploratory Laparotomy , Splenenectomy, Gastrostomy and Experimental Colostomy in rats ( Mus musculus) and dogs “. III Health Symposium o the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda RJ, 1993 - “ Scientific Basis for the Practice of the Extraction of Foreign Metallic Cornean Bodies in rabbits (Orictolagus cuniculus) “ III Health Symposium of the School Of Medical Science of Volta Redonda RJ, 1993 - “ Recent Advances in the Anatomo-clinical Study of the Via – optica” . III Health Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda RJ. 1993 - “Recent Advances in the Study of Phacomatosis “ . III Healt Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda , as co-author. Volta Redonda RJ, 1993. - “Medical Research in the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda”. III Health Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda, RJ. 1993 - “Considerations on Vaginal Candidiasis “ . IX Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda - as co-author. Volta Redonda RJ. 1993 - “ Histological and Infrastructural Biochemical Analysis of Tissue Components of the Vagina, Uterus, Falopian Tubes and Ovary”. IX Medical University Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda, as co-author. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - “Occurrence of Retinocoroiditis in Patients with Toxoplasmosis Attended as Outpatients in the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda”. V Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda . Volta Redonda – RJ. 1993. - “Diabetic Retinopathy in Pregnancy and its Association with Hipotensive Ilnesses – Study Center of the Child Maternity Unit of the Public Service Hospital of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ 1993. - “Splenectomy in the Treatment of Self-imune Trombocitopenic Purpura. Study Center of the 15th General Surgery Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro –RJ 1994. - “ Importance of Surgical Training in Animals for the Young Doctor”. IV Symposium of Health of The School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1994 - “Considerations on Body Image and its Correlation with Plastic Surgery” – IV Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ. 1994 - “ Assistance to the Normal Newly born in the Childbith Theatre”. IV Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda, as co-author. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1994 - “Clynical Importance of Citological Study of the Vaginal Smear as a contribution to the Diagnosis of Amniorexe”. IV Simposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda , as co-author. Volta Redonda – RJ. 1994 - “Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs: Their Social and Pathological Consequences”. Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Brazilian Navy – Niterói – RJ , 1995. - “First-aid” . Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Brazilian Navy – Niterói – RJ, 1995. - “First-aid to the Polytraumatized”. Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Brazilian Navy – Niterói – RJ, 1996 - “Pathological and Social Disturbances inthe use of Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs” –Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Bazilian Navy – Niterói - RJ,1996 - “Use of Ferruginous Water in the Prevention of Infantile Anemia” – Festival of Waters . Caxambu – MG, 2001 - “Crenotherapy Today”. Cicle of Lectures “Cry, Fountains... Cry”. Convention Hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel – Cambuquira – MG , 2001. III.B - STUDENT - Course “ Emergency Medicine” – Given by the Medical Team of the Intensive Treatment Center of the National Steel Company (NSC) Hospital .Course load : 10 class/hours. Volta Redonda – RJ ,1989. - Course “ Research Methodology” Ministered by Professor Saul Goldemberg and team of teachers. - Course “Selected Topics: How I treat” – Center of Studies Dr. Aldrovandro de Oliveira, Santa Casa Hospital of Barra Mansa in the period from 3rd of March to the 14th of April . Barra Mansa – RJ, 1993 - Course “Back of the Eye” – XXXI Science Meeting of the Public Service Hospital of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in the period from 18th to 22nd of October. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1993. - Course “Research Methodology” – Ministered by teaching team of the Paulista School of Medicine. Course load: 26 class/hours. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993 - “IV Course of Surgical Diseases of the Tyroid” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - “ II Annual Course of Surgery of the BCS (Brazilian College of Surgeons) – Trauma Module” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro- RJ, 1997 - “ II Annual Course of Surgery of the BCS – Video Laparoscopy Module” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997 - “XIV Course on Surgical Controversies” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - “Course Updating on Clinic and Surgery of the Pancreas” – Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ 1997. - “ VII Course on Updating of Scientific Basis of Surgery” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - Course “Advanced Manoeuvres in the Integrated Treatment of the Polytraumatized”. Ministered by Professor Mario Mantovani and other teachers in the Discipline of Trauma Surgery of the Faculty of Medical Science of The University of Campinas – SP. Hotel Serraverde, Pouso Alto – MG, 2000. - Course of Aptitude in Diabetis Mellitus for health professionals”. Educational Program EDUCARE of the iniciation for Control and Education in Diabetis. Medical Association of Varginha. Varginha – MG, 2001. III. C. – PARTICIPATION - Seminar on “Hipoadrenism” – Discipline of Pathological Anatomo-Physiology of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - Seminar on “Cor Pulmonale” – Discipline of Pathological Anatomo-Physiology of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - I Symposium of Health fo the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda –RJ,1991. - VII University Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - III Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - II Symposium of Health for the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1992. - VIII University Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ,1992. - IV Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda- RJ,1992. - III Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - IX University Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ,1993. - V Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - XXXI Scientific Assembly of the Public Service Hospital of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1993. - IV Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1994. - Panel – “Mammary Reconstructions” – Organized by the 15th and 28th wards of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1994. - Monthly Meeting of the Integrated Course of Credentialized Services of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery - Amphitheatre of the Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1996. - Foundation Meeting of the Brazilian Society of the Pancreas and launching of the Brazilian Journal of the Pancreas. Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - Cycle of Conferences “Science and Culture”. Academia Brasileira de Letras, first conference. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1998. - II Minas Symposium on Hernias of the Abdominal Wall. Alfenas – MG, 1999. - I Regional Seminar of the Family Health Programme, organized by the Regional Directory of Health. Virgínia – MG, 1999. - II Meeting of the Heart Club of the South Minas Society of Cardiology. Medical Association of Varginha. Varginha – MG, 2001. - Cycle of Lectures “Cry, Fountains... Cry...” in the Convention Hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - I Seminar of Family Health Experiences. São Lourenço – MG, 2001. - Regional Forum for the Environment. Municipal Council Chamber, São Lourenço – MG,2002. III.D - EXIBITION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS AND WORKSHOPS - Experimental Surgery and Operation Technique – Exibition Hall – III Health Symposium of E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Study and Histochemical analysis of tissue components of the uterus, tubes, ovary and vagina in mice – Slide demonstration / Exibition Hall – IX Medical University Workshop of ECMVR. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Medical Research in the E.C.M.V.R. – Panel/ Exibition Hall – IX Medical University Workshop of ECMVR Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - “Crenotherapeutic Programme of Public Health in the Prevention of Anemia through Iron Deficiency in Cambuquira – MG” . – Panel / Iron water Tasting – I Seminar of Experiences in Family Health, São Lourenço – MG, 2001. - “Crenotherapeutic Programme of Public Health in the Prevention of Anemia through Iron Deficiency in Cambuquira – MG” . Panel – Cycle Of Lectures “Cry, fountains... Cry...” Convention Hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - “Crenotherapy in the Prevention of Iron Deprivation Anemia: Therapeutic Success in Cambuquira – MG” – Panel / V Regional Meeting in Updating in Primary Health Care / I First Regional Meeting on Family Health. Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Juiz de Fora – MG , 2002. III.E. - PARTICIPATION IN ORGANIZING COMMITEES - Organizer of the debate: “The importance of the Family in the Prevention and Combat of the use of Drugs by Adolescents”. Realized in the Main Auditorium of the DHN. – Brazilian Navy. Niterói – RJ, 1996.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part IV)
1st place in the V Parasitology Workshop of the ECMVR. Volta Redonda –
RJ, 1993.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part V)
V - DIDACTIC-PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIENCE - Monitor in the Discipline of Opthalmology of the ECMVR, in the period from August 1992 to December 1993. Volta Redonda RJ. - Monitor in the Discipline of Biology, Histology and Embriology of the ECMVR In the academic year of 1993. Volta Rredonda-RJ. - Monitor in the Discipline of Histology, Embriology, Genetics and Evolution in the School of Odontology of Volta Redonda, in the academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda-RJ. - Monitor in the Discipline of Neurology of the ECMVR in the Academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda – RJ. - Selected Academic for the Development of Research in the Discipline of Biology, Histology and Embriology of the ECMVR in the academic year of 1993, Volta Redonda – RJ. - Classes in the Curricular Programme of the Discipline of Neurology of the ECMVR In the academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda – RJ. - Classes in teh Curricular Programme of the Discipline of Opthalmology of the ECMVR in the academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda – RJ. - Development of Studies in Experimental Surgery and Operation Technique, in the years of 1991, 1992 and 1993, in the Curricular Programme of the Discipline of ClinicalSurgery of the ECMVR. Volta Redonda –RJ, 1991 – 1993.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VI)
VI - FUNCTIONS OF DIDACTIC COORDINATION Orientator of the work “Retinocoroiditis in patients with Toxoplasmosis” , realized by 3rd year medical students of the E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VII)
VII - OTHER ACADEMIC FUNCTIONS - Academic responsible for the Bioteric Sector of the discipline of Histology, Embriology and Genetics of the E.C.M.V.R. Developing control programmes of guinea pigs by computer. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Director of the Socal Department of the Paulo Mendes Academic Directory – ECMVR, Volta Redonda – RJ, during the year of 1991. - Vice-president of the Paulo Mendes Academic Directory - E.C.M.V.R., Volta Redonda – RJ, 1992. - Director of the Scientific and Cultural Department of the Paulo Mendes Academic Directory – E.C.M.V.R., in the years of 1993 and 1994. Volta Redonda RJ, 1993 – 1994. - Scientific Adviser of the University Journal “The Anatomical”,E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ., in the years of 1993 and 1994.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VIII)
VIII - HONORARY TITLES AND TRIBUTES - Tribute by the Head of Department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme, for the “excelence of work carried out in his discipline”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Tribute by the E.C.M.V.R., on the occasion of its III Health Simposium on the Handing over of inscription plate referring to “Dedication to Scientific Work”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Citation of Merit by the director of Hidrography and Navigation , Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues in thanks for “good service rendered to the Directory of HIDROGRAPHY and NAVIGATION - Brazilian Navy”. Niterói – RJ, 1997. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on occasion of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000. Rome, Italy, 2000. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the “Pontifical Erection, Pledge of Grace and Celestial Favours to the Members of the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! by the grace of Jesus” – Rome – Italy, 2001. - Recognition of “Well-deserving participant of the Cultural Association of Our Lady of Fatima, for the dedicated colaboration to the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! and praiseworthy effort in the difunding of the devotion to Holiest Mary”. Campinas – SP, 2001. - Motion by the Municipal Council of Cambuquira offering congratulations “for the professionalism, dedication, care and effort in the attendance of the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Commission of Public Services of the Council Chamber of Lambari – “Title of Guardian of the Waters” – “For the brilliant work in defense of the Mineral Waters Circle”. Lambari – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section manifesting congratulations for “professionalism, dedication, care and work in attending the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Tribute by the head of department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme. “I want to manifest emphatically and in writing, my enthusiasm, my pride and my thanks to the doctors (...) for the excellent work realized in this symposium”. “Enthusiasm mixed with admiration and perplexity before a finished vision of the project that we only discussed, became unquenchable before the excellence of the work. The cost of the individual work, of their own individual effort have given a perfect demonstration by these two future doctors that “anything is possible with work”. Not tiredness or a lack of resources, or the absence of colaboration are capable of braking na engine with this potential!” “The pride which follows enthusiasm has its reason in a certain way, the surgeryfor which we fought has gone to the head of Novaes and Joselito and the excellence sense of the term. The even timid idea, for which we collaborated for this success fills our hearts with joy”. “The gratitude for all this is difficult to quantify or measure. Our discipline is enobled with the work of these two. And it just remains to say: thank you very much”. E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Meritorious citation of the director of Hidrography and Navigation, Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues. “Competent official who has strived in his professional and human duties , he has won the friendship, respect and admiration of his superiors, colleagues and subordinates during this period” “His premature transfer to the reserve has found resistance among his companions who are deprived from now on from his professional and healthy contact which his presence allowed” “To lieutenant Joselito, our best wishes for your continued professional and personal success in civilian life, thanking you for the good service rendered to the D.H.N. in the area of health”. D.H.N. Brazilian Navy. Niterói –RJ, 1997. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of the city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section, manifesting congratulations for your “dedication, colaboration, frindship and effort in the comunity of the municipality of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Gratitude of the Non governamental organization, New Cambuquira (that values the - Natural , Environmental and Cultural conditions of the city) “For your brilliant participation in the cicle of lectures: “Cry, fountains...Cry” exposing the theme - “Crenotherapy” , realized in the convention hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel . Cambuquira – MG, 2001.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VIII)
VIII - HONORARY TITLES AND TRIBUTES - Tribute by the Head of Department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme, for the “excelence of work carried out in his discipline”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Tribute by the E.C.M.V.R., on the occasion of its III Health Simposium on the Handing over of inscription plate referring to “Dedication to Scientific Work”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Citation of Merit by the director of Hidrography and Navigation , Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues in thanks for “good service rendered to the Directory of HIDROGRAPHY and NAVIGATION - Brazilian Navy”. Niterói – RJ, 1997. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on occasion of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000. Rome, Italy, 2000. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the “Pontifical Erection, Pledge of Grace and Celestial Favours to the Members of the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! by the grace of Jesus” – Rome – Italy, 2001. - Recognition of “Well-deserving participant of the Cultural Association of Our Lady of Fatima, for the dedicated colaboration to the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! and praiseworthy effort in the difunding of the devotion to Holiest Mary”. Campinas – SP, 2001. - Motion by the Municipal Council of Cambuquira offering congratulations “for the professionalism, dedication, care and effort in the attendance of the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Commission of Public Services of the Council Chamber of Lambari – “Title of Guardian of the Waters” – “For the brilliant work in defense of the Mineral Waters Circle”. Lambari – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section manifesting congratulations for “professionalism, dedication, care and work in attending the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Tribute by the head of department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme. “I want to manifest emphatically and in writing, my enthusiasm, my pride and my thanks to the doctors (...) for the excellent work realized in this symposium”. “Enthusiasm mixed with admiration and perplexity before a finished vision of the project that we only discussed, became unquenchable before the excellence of the work. The cost of the individual work, of their own individual effort have given a perfect demonstration by these two future doctors that “anything is possible with work”. Not tiredness or a lack of resources, or the absence of colaboration are capable of braking na engine with this potential!” “The pride which follows enthusiasm has its reason in a certain way, the surgeryfor which we fought has gone to the head of Novaes and Joselito and the excellence sense of the term. The even timid idea, for which we collaborated for this success fills our hearts with joy”. “The gratitude for all this is difficult to quantify or measure. Our discipline is enobled with the work of these two. And it just remains to say: thank you very much”. E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Meritorious citation of the director of Hidrography and Navigation, Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues. “Competent official who has strived in his professional and human duties , he has won the friendship, respect and admiration of his superiors, colleagues and subordinates during this period” “His premature transfer to the reserve has found resistance among his companions who are deprived from now on from his professional and healthy contact which his presence allowed” “To lieutenant Joselito, our best wishes for your continued professional and personal success in civilian life, thanking you for the good service rendered to the D.H.N. in the area of health”. D.H.N. Brazilian Navy. Niterói –RJ, 1997. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of the city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section, manifesting congratulations for your “dedication, colaboration, frindship and effort in the comunity of the municipality of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Gratitude of the Non governamental organization, New Cambuquira (that values the - Natural , Environmental and Cultural conditions of the city) “For your brilliant participation in the cicle of lectures: “Cry, fountains...Cry” exposing the theme - “Crenotherapy” , realized in the convention hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel . Cambuquira – MG, 2001.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part IX)
IX - PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS - Aproved in the public examination of the Municipal Secretary of Health of Volta Redonda as academic trainee. Publication NR . 001/91-S.M.A. Volta Redonda – RJ. 1991. - Approved in the selection test for the Training Programme in General Surgery of the Brazilian College of Surgeons, conducted in the 13th ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro –RJ,in February of 1997. - Approved in public examination as ophthalmic doctor for the Municipal Council of Itamonte- MG ( Public Examination no 01-99) in 1999. Itamonte – MG, 1999.