Wednesday, 31 December 2008
DOC Experience - Encontros Nacionais de Parapente ABP
DOC - Reportagens
Detalhe: “Mãozinha” do Motocross na segurança
(após um susto e um corte na mão, o português José Carlos se disse satisfeito com o atendimento médico, que conta com o apoio dos pilotos de MotoCross)
“Eu estava voando. Depois desci na BR-116 e peguei uma carona em um caminhão. Quando desci dele, cortei minha mão. Mas fui muito bem atendido pelos bombeiros, que me levaram ao hospital. Os médicos também me atenderam na hora. Estou muito satisfeito.” O depoimento é do brasileiro naturalizado português José Carlos de Souza, um dos 160 pilotos que estão disputando o Pré-Mundial em Valadares. Ele teve um susto ontem, ao sofrer um pequeno corte e precisar da ajuda dos profissionais à disposição dos voadores.
A eficiência testada por José Carlos mostra a seriedade com que a segurança é encarada pela organização, a cargo da prefeitura e da GoUp Brasil. Não bastasse todo o aparato médico e militar à disposição, até um outro esporte radical está dando “aquela mão”: o MotoCross. Dois pilotos estão auxiliando em casos de acidentes no pico. Eles ficam de plantão, juntamente com o médico e o enfermeiro, agilizando no atendimento e no resgate dos acidentados.
Convidados por Joselito Fonseca, médico responsável pela equipe de resgates no Ibituruna. Geraldo Santos, o Lado, e Milton Kalil aceitaram o convite e estão trabalhando voluntariamente. “As motos são mais rápidas, e quanto mais rápido o médico chegar à pessoa que se acidentou, melhor”, disse Lado, recebendo o apoio do colega: “De fato, se um carro leva, por exemplo, trinta minutos para chegar até o acidentado, nós chegamos em cinco”.
Mas não é só o motocross. Outro esporte radical que auxilia no resgate é o alpinismo. A ação dos escaladores, aliás, foi fundamental em dois acidentes acontecidos esta semana. “Os pilotos devem ter caído uns trinta metros, no mínimo. Mas nossa equipe estava no pico e descemos muito rápido, fazendo o resgate com segurança, que é o mais importante”, explicou Gustavo Silva, que é alpinista profissional.
A vida em primeiro lugar
O reforço na segurança visa, logicamente, à prevenção de acidentes. Além da equipe médica, dos alpinistas, dos motociclistas e de voluntários, o helicóptero da Polícia Militar é outro meio importante para que a vida dos pilotos seja preservada.
Segundo o médico Joselito Fonseca, se o campeonato do ano passado tivesse uma organização tão boa como a deste ano, vários acidentes poderiam ter sido evitados. “Os acidentes que aconteceram no último ano foram agravados pelo despreparo na hora do socorro. Se os pilotos acidentados tivessem recebido o socorro na hora, talvez não teriam sido tão sérios os resultados”, disse.
Quanto ao aparato à disposição este ano, só elogios. “Temos todos os equipamentos de resgate médico. Temos uma mochila carregada com todos os equipamentos de cirurgia e UTI e temos até uma barraca, caso demore a remoção num local de difícil acesso e seja necessário fazer intervenções mais sérias.
Fonte: Diário do Esporte, Governador Valadares,sábado, 20 de março de 2004.
Por: Fred Seixas.
DOC - Reportagens

LDN – Você também voa, Maísa?
Maísa de Soldi – Eu voava em Franco da Rocha e Atibaia mas como, na época, o esporte ainda estava começando, sem infra-estrutura de rampa, vieram meus filhos... Achei melhor dar um tempo, esperar o esporte se desenvolver.
LDN – Na sua opinião, o que precisa melhorar?
Maísa – Precisamente os acessos às rampas. Falta também incentivo do governo ao esporte e compreensão por parte dos prefeitos de que esse esporte traz turismo e cultura para as suas cidades.
LDN – Fernando, como está Lambari e como pode melhorar?
Fernando – Existem locais propícios ao esporte, mas ainda falta o despertar do poder público para essa potencialidade. Precisamos da denominação de áreas para rampas oficiais e de estradas de terra para acesso a esses locais para podermos trazer os eventos de vôo para os municípios. O potencial do Circuito das Águas para o ecoturismo, esportes radicais e de aventura é enorme, só falta a conscientização das prefeituras e dos hoteleiros que esse tipo de atividade gera desenvolvimento, conscientização e divulgação das belezas naturais das cidades e empregos (fotógrafos, jornalistas, designers, médicos, guias, etc.), sem contar que essa atividade cresce aproximadamente 20% ao ano no Brasil.
LDN – Em Itamonte-MG, pelo menos uma vez a cada dez anos, cai um tipo de neve na região do Vale dos Lírios e Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. Você já presenciou um desses fenômenos lá?
Fernando – Sim. Já Vi sim!
LDN – Você foi o primeiro a fazer um Climb & Fly naquela região em condições normais, sem neve. Com condições meteorológicas adequadas ao vôo de parapente, seria possível repetir a façanha quando nevar novamente?
Fernando - Sim, isso é possível. Mas somente se as condições estiverem adequadas. Inclusive acredito que se possa fazer um “basejump” (salto de pára-quedas próximo ao chão). Temos que estar no local para saber.
LDN – E o vôo duplo?
Fernando – Estou realizando vôos duplos com turistas, com opções de rampas em Cambuquira e São Lourenço.
LDN – O que os turistas que voam dizem?
Fernando – Que é uma maravilha. Uma sensação indescritível. Nunca fizeram nada parecido antes.
LDN – Quem quiser fazer vôo duplo com você como deve fazer?
Fernando – Ou procurar-me diretamente no Camping ilha das Cachoeiras (e Cachoeira do Roncador) ou pelo telefone (35) 3271-3743.
LDN – Na Europa você trabalhou em equipes de resgates. No Brasil você está fazendo parte da equipe DOC de resgate médico. Como você vê esse trabalho?
Fernando – Extremamente importante. Sinto-me orgulhoso de fazer parte da DOC. Na Europa existem equipes de plantão 24 horas nos locais onde se praticam esportes radicais. No Brasil, essa equipe se registra como a pioneira. As companias de seguro e os planos de saúde ainda não perceberam a falta desse mercado promissor em ascensão. To Elas poderiam investir nesse trabalho da DOC. As prefeituras também poderiam ter interesse em incentivar, para dar mais segurança ao turista de esportes radicais e de aventura, inclusive os que vêm de outros países.
LDN – Como desenvolver o parapente em Minas Gerais?
Fernando – Em Minas existem tantos locais propícios para o vôo livre e as condições são tão excelentes que eu considero esse estado o Hawaii do vôo livre. Os proprietários dos locais adequados para serem usados como rampa de vôo tinham que se conscientizar que Minas é o paraíso do vôo e passar a ter mais simpatia pelos pilotos, facilitando o acesso às suas propriedades, assim como acontece nas praias de surf do Hawaii, onde o surfista pode usar a praia que escolher, a hora que quiser. As instituições públicas que financiam o desenvolvimento de Estado (BDMG, BNDES, etc) poderiam abrir uma linha de crédito específica para que esses proprietários pudessem se beneficiar economicamente, favorecendo apoio logístico (pousadas, alimentação, transportes, etc.) e lucrando com isso.
LDN – Qual a mensagem que você deixa para o leitor?
Fernando – Inovação. Acredito ser esta a atitude para despertar-nos desse ostracismo.
LDN – Maísa, deixe a sua mensagem parao leitor.
Maísa – Harmonia. A condição fundamental para se voar é existir harmonia, equilíbrio e respeito entre o Homem e a Natureza.
Fonte: Jornal Linha Direta News, Lambari-MG.
Monday, 29 December 2008
DOC - Reportagens

Médico de Lambari recebe homenagem por mérito desportivo
Há algum anos desenvolvendo a atividade de suporte à vida em esportes radicais e de aventura, o médico do pronto socorro de Lambari e repórter colaborador da coluna “Aventura Café” do LDN, Joselito Fonseca Corrêa, recebeu, durante o 1º. Encontro Nacional de Parapente ocorrido em Águas da Prata (SP), nos dias 19 e 20 de dezembro, a comenda de honra ao mérito desportivo da Associação Brasileira de Parapente. Ele desenvolveu no ano passado um protocolo de resgate e atendimento médico para competições de vôo livre que foi apresentado no congresso da Féderatión Aeronautique Internationale em 2003, na cidade romena de Sinaia, recebendo elogios dessa instituição que controla departamentos da aviação civil mundial e sendo fundamental para que a proposta brasileira de realização do Campeonato Mundial de Parapente (Brazil Worlds 2005) em Governador Valadares (MG) fosse oficialmente aceita. Todo esse trabalho de anos frutificou em uma equipe de suporte à vida em esportes radicais e de aventura, a DOC – Life Support in Adventure Sports e nessa recente homenagem recebida, o LDN entrevista o repórter colaborador e médico dos esportistas radicais.
Linha Direta News – Na prática, o que significa suporte à vida em esportes de aventura?
Joselito – Esse termo deriva da rotina médica americana “ATLS”, ou seja, Advanced Thrauma Life Support, que significa dar suporte à vida de um acidentado grave. Meu trabalho junto aos desportistas, na prática, significa mantê-los vivos quando gravemente feridos feridos e evitar o agravamento de seu estado geal de saúde, até que cheguem na unidade hospitalar de referência e recebam o atendimento efetivo. É como fazer uma ponte entre o local do acidente e o hospital, a qual pode ser realizada a pé no meio de florestas, de carro (UTI móvel) ou de helicóptero (Unidade Aérea de Tratamento Intensivo).
LDN – Essa atividade deve requerer bastante preparo físico e experiência médica, concorda?
Joselito – O fato de ter nascido em Itamonte (MG) e praticar montanhismo e escalaminhada (subi o Pico das Agulhas Negras, a 2.787m/alt. três vezes) desde a infância tem me ajudado muito. Também aprendi muito sobre resgates médicos inclusive aéreos quando fui oficial médico da Marinha de Guerra, época em que fiz treinamento com os fuzileiros navais, chegando a tornar-me instrutor, inspetor e juiz auditor na área de socorros e resgates em alto mar dessa instituição militar governamental. Mesmo assim, precisei fazer alguns cursos tais como rapel e GPS (Geographic Positioning System) para melhorar meu desempenho. Quanto à experiência médica não tive tanta dificuldade, pois já trabalho em pronto socorro desde o quarto ano da faculdade, fiz um ano e meio de especialização em cirurgia geral pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia e já trabalhei em serviços de emergência na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde os pacientes chegam bem mais graves.
LDN – O que é DOC?
Joselito – É a logomarca do serviço que prestamos. Precisei utilizar um nome de fácil assimilação tanto por brasileiros quanto por estrangeiros (DOC, que era meu apelido na Marinha de Guerra) e criar uma logomarca para facilitar a identificação dos membros da nossa equipe nos campeonatos e também para podermos angariar investimentos provindos de patrocínios, apoios e marketing de empresas interessadas para poder assim investir na evolução tecnológica.
LDN – Quais os componentes dessa equipe?
Joselito – Basicamente aqueles que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do protocolo que foi enviado à Europa (Féderatión Aeronautique Internationale), ou seja, Fernando Matzner (que trabalhou em equipes de resgates nos alpes suíços), o Leslie Walsh (inglês de Liverpool, professor do Cambridge), meus colegas do pronto socorro de Lambari Airton (Brigadeiro Médico da Aeronáutica), Bernardo (ortopedista), o Ivan (que aprendeu muito sobre resgate e técnicas de rapel quando enfermeiro do exército), e o Guilherme (colega enfermeiro do pronto socorro de Paraty que me ajudou no campeonato da ABP). Alguns colaboradores às vezes nem aparecem oficialmente mas são do primeiro escalão do resgate médico no Brasil como o Ricardo e o Ailton que foram pioneiros na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
LDN – Qual a próxima atuação da DOC?
Joselito – No Pré-Campeonato Mundial de Parapente (Brazil Pre-Worlds2004), em Governador Valadares – MG, no mês de março deste ano.
LDN – Pra terminar como foi receber o Mérito Desportivo da Associação Brasileira de Parapente?
Joselito – Algo que eu não esperava mas que me deixou muito realizado. Toda vez que há reconhecimento por trabalho no qual nos empenhamos, nos vem um sentimento de satisfação pessoal e profissional superado somente pelo fruto da nossa arte médica, ou seja, a manutenção da vida e a restauração plena da saúde. Dedico esta homenagem a todos aqueles que me ajudaram a ser o que sou hoje, meus pais Tote e Áurea, meus familiares, ao Papa João Paulo II amigo santo ainda em vida, meu professor de cirurgia Fernando Paes Leme, meus amigos pilotos, ao Chico e Mônica Santos, aos amigos da área médica e da DOC e principalmente a Jesus Cristo que nos dá vida em abundância, ensina a sermos pobres de espírito e mansos de coração e nos deixa a Terra e Reino dos Céus em herança.
Fonte: Linha Direta News, Lambari, 2003
Por: Erick Vizok.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
DOC Experience - Surf

Friday, 26 December 2008
DOC - Reportagens
GPS, a bússola dos novos tempos
Alguns séculos depois das aventuras de Colombo, o Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos resolveu criar um Sistema de Posicionamento Global, ou GPS, que lhes permitissem um sistema de defesa inacessível às interferências. Baseado em uma constelação de 24 satélites ao redor da Terra, este sistema utiliza uma tecnologia exata para apontar posições em qualquer parte do mundo, 24 horas por dia. O GPS permite armazenar pontos em sua memória, através das coordenadas de um mapa. Estes pontos podem se combinados formando rotas que permitem analisar o horário provável de chegada e distância até o próximo ponto ou destino, horário do nascer e pôr do sol, rumo a ser mantido durante a rota e muito mais. As aplicações do GPS são praticamente ilimitadas.
Curso de GPS em Faculdade de São Lourenço
Foi pensando nas diversas aplicações do GPS que a Faculdade Santa Marta, em São Lourenço-MG, promoveu nos dias 19, 20 e 26 de outubro um curso sobre GPS. Com um público variado de estudante, polícia anbiental, médico a até pilotos de vôo livre, o curso superou as expectativas de muitos. Segundo um empresário local, Heli Nogueira, que já possuía um GPS, agora tudo ficou mais fácil: “Aprendi muito mais do que esperava e já estou até pensando em um novo aparelho mais potente para aproveitar melhor as minhas viagens”. Já Joselito Fonseca, médico de resgate de vôo livre: “Interessantíssimo e de uma utilidade imprescindível para mim. Pois preciso saber, com precisão, o menor percurso, em menor tempo para chegar ao local do acidente”(detalhe do artigo na Pix5). Segundo o tenente da polícia ambiental, Gilson Pereira: “O GPS é de fundamental importância para o nosso trabalho, como por exemplo, a localização exata das áreas de atuação para que seja feita a perícia adequada. Com o levantamento aéreo das infrações, poderemos enviar viaturas aos locais certos. Com isso há uma melhora significativa na qualidade do serviço, aumentando a credibilidade”.
Fonte: Jornal Folha do Meio Ambiente, Brasíla, março-2003 (pix4 e pix5)
Por: Beatriz Fernandes Barros
Thursday, 25 December 2008
DOC - Material Institucional
Estatística de acidentes e segurança do vôo
Devido à repetição por nós observada das mesmas relações causais nos acidentes que prestamos socorro, nós da DOC, a partir de 2003 desenvolvemos um relatório confidencial interno para melhorar a segurança de vôo. Isto tornou possível a identificação prévia de potenciais riscos e a prevenção precoce de causas de acidentes. Entre os principais fatores observados estão aqueles mesmos que são apresentados pelo Sivuca em seu S.I.V.: trinômio piloto, equipamento e condições de vôo.
É necessário ao piloto estar saudável. Segundo a OMS, saúde é um bem estar FÍSICO, PSÍQUICO E SOCIAL portanto, tudo que pode interferir direta ou indiretamente nesse contexto seguramente pode interferir na qualidade técnica do piloto ao voar. Por outro lado,a sensação de omnipotência comum aos bons pilotos pode paradoxalmente gerar um tipo fatal de negligência: o descuido com o equipamento e as condições climáticas. Observamos que pequenos descuidos como o desgaste de linhas e fechos (como o do paraquedas reserva) é causa comum de acidentes potencialmente fatais. Chegamos a solicitar às fábricas algumas mudanças estratégicas nos equipamentos que produziam. Quanto às condições, melhor estudar aerologia, meteorologia ou o que valha pois algo que necessariamente devemos respeitar é a natureza e sua poderosa individualidade. Existem determinados locais nos quais ocorrem costumeiros acidentes devidos a condições específicas do local como rotores, inversões e descendentes residentes. Sempre que estamos presentes solicitamos à organização do evento devida informação aos pilotos, pedimos aos clubes locais para que providenciem informação impressa e quando nos é permitido alertamos em nossas palestras de meeting.
Abaixo nosso relatório interno.
Relatório Confidencial para Segurança de Vôo
País de origem:
Tipo de ocorrência:
Data de ocorrência:
Horário de ocorrência:
Local de ocorrência:
Descrição do equipamento:
Condições do equipamento:
Espaço aéreo: ( ) Controlado
( ) Não comtrolado
( ) Condicionado
( ) Outros
Condições de vôo: ( ) Boas/adequadas
( ) Regulares
( ) Ruins/Inadequadas
Vento: ( ) Norte
( ) Sul
( ) outro_____________________
Condições da rampa:___________________________________________________
Condições do Material:
GPS: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Auxílio à
Navegação: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Velame: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Fios: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Selete: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Costuras: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Paraquedas: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Fecho do paraquedas: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Air bag: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Macacão: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Óculos: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Capacete: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
de segurança: ( ) boas ( ) regular ( ) inadequado ( ) inexistente
Homologação: ( ) sim ( ) não
O paraquedas foi acionado? ( ) Sim ( ) Não ( ) Não informado
Após acionado o
paraquedas: ( ) Abriu corretamente
( ) Houve falha na abertura
( ) Não abriu
( ) Não informado. Outros_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Falha(s) do(s) tipo(s): ( ) equipamento
( ) condições do tempo
( ) falha humana.
Falha do equipamento:
Condições meteorológicas inadequadas:
Falha humana(só pode ser preenchido por médico credenciado DOC):
Falha técnica em vôo: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ devido a ou em conseqüência de:
( ) Distúrbio psicológico________________________________
( ) Doença pregressa___________________________
( ) Desidratação________________________________
( ) Sinais/Sintomas durante o vôo_______________________
( ) Medicação/drogas lícitas em uso_________________________
Desenvolvido por DOC Life Support in Adventure Sports . Cópia não autorizada sem consentimento prévio.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
DOC - Reportagens
Nota (DOC): agradecemos ao Ari da Sol Paragliders que produziu e custeou a mochila DOC-Life Support Knapsack (em azul, dentro do veículo na pix2) que desenvolvemos para carregar todo material do ATLS (Advanced Thrauma Life Support).
DOC Experience
DOC - Pix 1
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum Vitae
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Extra-curriculum data
EXTRACURRICULUM DATA COURSES Classical and Popular Piano / Musical Theory . Private teachers since 1977. Last course taken with Professor Renata Carísio (Bachelor in Piano from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) in Volta Redonda – RJ 1985/1986 Acoustic Guitar – Professor geraldo Flemming , Itamonte MG 1980 Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar accordion and musical theory – Pro-música musical seminars , Volta Redonda. Professors Hiramm Brionne Lee and Vicente Pereira Lima . Volta Redonda RJ 1985-1986 Use of Microcomputers - Volta Redonda , RJ 1993 . course directed towards the Medical area Typing skills – Volta Redonda, RJ 1993 Course in word processer (medical scripts) English Language Courses FISK / Cambridge 1985/2002 – Course at Cambridge School centred on Medical Practice (anamnesis, clinical consultation, politraumatic attendance in World Championship Radical sports, etc) Global Positioning System application (GPS) in trail tracking. University of Santa Marta. Course realized With a view to use in medical activity in politraumatic life-support during medical rescue In radical sports Theoretical-practical course in basic techniques in Rapel, Adventure circuit, São Lourenço. Course taken with a View to use in politraumatic life-support medical activity during medical rescues in adventure sports. ACTIVITIES Cultural activities practiced in childhood and adolescence (retrospective personality analisis): classical piano and children´s theatre (one of the monks in the play “marcelino Bread and Wine”, a magician in the staging of a circus, etc.) Social activities practiced in childhood and adolescence (retrospective personality analisis): Itamonte Social and Recreative Club, Little Block Club (Block editors, Grow Club (Grow Creative Games) Super-heroes Club Ping-Pong (Marvel Super-heroes Power, sponsored by the Ping-Pong chewing gum Industry), Walt Disney Scouts Club (Informative Club on Scouting, membership which is acquired through the Walt Disney Scout Manual) Scientific activity realised in childhood – intense dedication to games that involved the mounting of optical instruments (polyopticon) and manipulation of chemical substances (smallchemical laboratory) . Intense reading of books such as The Young Chemist. Participation in the second Science and Arts Fair of the State School Nilo Peçanha, obtaining a prize for “Most Original Work” (Itamonte) SPORTS · Cycling – ( Mountain bike ) / Motorcycling. Aactivity practiced since childhood in the mountains and trails of Itamonte · Mountaineering – Alpine Sports – practiced since childhood in Itamonte and Itatiaia Park. · Rapel – Practised as part of the basic training to develop life support activity in adveturous sports (hangliding) · Martial arts – Karate, Aikido and Kendo - Practiced with a view to emotional equilibrium and personal defense. VISITS TO FOREIGN INSTITUTIONS · Association of Medical Doctors of Portugal – Lisbon – Portugal · The San José Hospital – Lisbon – Portugal · Portuguese Marine Library / Fiscal Brigade of the Portuguese Navy / Marine Map Sector – Lisbon – Portugal · Commercial Association of Porto – Porto – Portugal · Medical Faculty of the University of Coimbra – Coimbra – Portugal · Medical Faculty of the University of Santiago of Compostela – Santiago – Spain · Medical Faculty of the University of Madrid – Madrid – Spain · Medical Faculty of the University of the Sorbonne – Paris – France · Necker Hospital of Child Maladies – Paris – France · Fatabene Fratelli Hospital – Rome - Italy
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part I)
I – ACADEMIC TRAINING GRADUATION Graduated in Medicine from the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda (ECMVR), Oswaldo Aranha Foundation, on the 17th of December 1994, Volta Redonda RJ INTERNSHIP Curricular Training in Obstetrics and High risk Pediatrics at the Child Maternal Unit of the State Public Service Hospital (HSE) , during the period from 1st of August to 31st of December 1993. Average monthly evaluations: Notion of Responsibility – level 10,0; Frequency – level 9,0 ; Initiative – level 10,0 ; Operosity – level 8,0 ; Level of Knowledge – 10,0; Team Spirit – level 10,0; Special Services Rendered – level 9,0. Rio de Janeiro –RJ Curricular Training in General Surgery – on the 15th Ward of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital of Rio de Janeiro in the service of Professor José Carlos Vinháes – from the period of the 1st of January to th 30th of March 1994. Average Monthly Evaluations : Level of Knowledge – 10,0 ; Initiative – 10,0 ; Participation – 10,0; Puntuality – 9,5 ; Diligence – 10,0; Responsibility – 10,0; Ethical Conduct – 10,0; Personal Presentation- 10,0; relationship with patients – 10,0; Relationship with Colleagues – 10,0- Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Curricular Training in Gynecology and Obstetrics on the 33rd Obstetrics Ward of The santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro, under professor Jorge de Resende, in the period from the 1st of April to the 30th of June 1994. Average monthly evaluations: Level of knowledge – 9,5: Innitiative – 9.5; Participation- 9,0 ; Punctuality 9,5; Personal Presentation 10,0; Relationship with patient – 10,0 ; Relationship with colleagues – 9,0 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ Ccurricular Training in General Medicine, on the 4th and 20th Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro, under professor Clementino Fraga Filho , in the period of the 1st of July to the 30th of September 1994 . Average Monthly Evaluations. Level of Knowledge – 8,0; Innitiative 8,5; Participation – 8.5; Punctuality - 7,0 ; Diligence - 7,5; Responsibility – 8,0; Ethical Conduct – 10,0; Personal Presentation – 10,0 , Relationship with Patients – 10,0; Relationship with Colleagues – 10,0 . Rio de Janeiro – RJ Curricular Training in Pediatrics and Neonatology on the33rd Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro under the orientation of Dr. Guilherme Boehmann in the period from 1st of October to the 30th of December 1994. Level of knowledge 9,0; Innitiative – 10,0; Participation – 9,0; Punctuality – 9,0; Diligence – 9,0; Responsibility – 10,0; Ethical Conduct – 10,0; Personal Presentation 9,0; relationship with patients – 10,0; Relationship with Colleagues – 10,0 . Rio de Janeiro – RJ. ACADEMIC TRAINEESHIPS Training in Emergency in the Municipal Casualty of Volta Redonda through the Municipal Health Secretariate in 1992, Volta Redonda, RJ Training in Clinical Opthalmics in the Out-Patient Department Prof. Dr. André Sarmento Bianco School (E.C.M.V.R.). In 1992/1993. With a workload of 300 hours. Volta Redonda RJ Training in Clinical and Surgical Opthalmics in the Rozuel Zaidan Eye Clinic in 1991, 1992 and 1993, with a workload of 800 hours, Volta Redonda , RJ. SPECIALIZATION Training Programme In General Surgery of The Brazilian College of Surgeons (CBC) , realized in the 13th General Surgical Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro, under professor Augusto Paulino Netto, in the period from March 1997 to June 1998. Note. Only one of the three years demanded by the CBC for obtaining the title of Specialist was concluded. (Due to external Pressure) . Rio de Janeiro, RJ Training in General Surgery in the emergency Sector of the Getúlio Vargas State Hospital from March 1997 to June 1998, as part of the Training Programme of General Surgery of The CBC . Rio de Janeiro , RJ Training in Head and Neck Surgery with surgeons of the National Institute of Cancer (INCA - RJ.) – Cancer Hospital. Realized on the 13th General Surgery Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital , Rio de Janeiro RJ, 38th Plastic Surgery Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro under professor Ivo Pitanguy and Casa de Saúde (Botafogo) as part of the Training Programme in General Surgery of The Brazilian College of Surgeons . Rio de Janeiro , RJ.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part II)
- Almeida, J. B.; Novais, C.E.F.; Corrêa, J.F. – Medical Research in the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. J. Esc. Ciênc. Méd. Volta Redonda I(I): 10, 1994
- Amaral, A. L. P. ; Novais, C.E.F. ; Corrêa, J. F. – Consideration on vaginal candidiasis – J. Esc.
Ciênc. Méd. Volta Redonda, I(I): 8, 1994
- Drummond, M. C.; Novais, C.E F. ; Corrêa, J. F. – Contribution to the Study of Phacomatosis. J.
Esc. Ciêc. Méd. Volta Redonda., I(I):11, 1994
- Corrêa, J.F.; Novais, C.E.F. – Historical Aspects of Experimental Surgery. Informative Organ of
the Oswaldo Aranha Foundation. , 1:3:4, 1994
- Novais, C.E.F. ; Corrêa, J.F. – Deontological Synopsis of Contemporary Medicine. The Anatomi-
cal, 1:1:4, 1994
- Corrêa, J.F. ; Novais, C.E.F. – Manual of Surgical Training in Animals . Volta Redonda,
E.C.M.V.R. / Clinical Surgery 1, 1994. 61p.
- Corrêa, J. F. et al - Ocurrence of Coreoretinitis and Research in serum antibodies anti-Toxo-
plasma gondi (Ecucoccidiida sarcocystidae) in the population of Volta Redonda. Ver. Esc. Ciênc.
Med. Volta redonda, 1:3:20, 1995.
- Corrêa, J. F. – Health in Cambuquira: The Human Being Treated Holistically.
- / Saúde 10p.2001
- Corrêa, J.F. – Report of Medical Activities in the Brazilian Pragliding Championship – Cambuquira Stage. – http;// 5p., 2001
- Corrêa, J.F. – Importance of the Connections of the Nucleous of Real Origin in the Facial Nerve Volta Redonda, 1989. 148p. (Discipline of Anatomy – School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda)
- Corrêa, J. F. - Psychosomatic Disease. Volta Redonda, 1990. 29p. ( Discipline of Medical
Psychology – School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda ).
- Corrêa , J.F. – Beta blockers. Volta Redonda 1991, 39p (Discipline of Pharmacology – School of
Medical Science of Vvolta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Barbiturates. Volta Redonda 1991. 34p ( Discipline of Pharmacology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. - Pediatric Semiology. Volta Redonda, 1992. 112p. (Discipline of Pediatrics – School
of Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Sífilis . Volta Redonda , 1992 . 92p . (Discipline of Dermatology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda}
- Correa, J. F. – Colposcopy . Volta Redonda, 1992 . 38p (Discipline of Gynecology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J.F. - Miastenia Gravis . Volta Redonda, 1993. 53p (Dicipline of Neurology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J.F. - Ureterocele . Volta Redonda , 1993 . 53p. ( Discipline of Urology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Prostate Tumors ., Volta redonda, 1993. 40p. (Discipline of Urology – School of
Medical Science of Volta Redonda
- Corrêa, J. F. - Malign Tumors of the Lung . Volta Redonda, 1993. 63p. ( Discipline of Radiology
- School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Emergency Plan of Public Health . ( State of Public Calamity) Itamonte – MG,1999
( Municipal Health Council – Itamonte Municipal Council)
- Corrêa, J. F. - Report on Medical Activities Realized in Emergency During Period of Flooding.
( State of Public Calamity) in the Itamonte Municipality – Itamonte – MG- 1999 ( Municipal Health Council – Municipal Council of Itamonte).
- Corrêa, J. F. – Report on Medical Activities in the Brazilian Paragliding Champinship –
Cambuquira Stage . Cambuquira MG 2001 . 10p (Municipal Council of Cambuquira – SMS)CCC
- Corrêa, J. F – Crenotherapeutic Program of Public Health for the Prevention of Anemia through
Iron deficiency. Cambuquira, MG, 2001. 10p. ( Municipal Council of Cambuquira – SMS/
Cambuquira Council Chamber.
- Corrêa, J. F. – Report on Crenotherapeutic Activities in the Public Health Sector of Cambuquira.
- Cambuquira, MG, 2001. 20p. ( Municipal Council of Cambuquira/ Municipal Coucil Chamber of Cambuquira/ Public Prosecutor of Cambuquira) .
- Corrêa, J. F. – Paraglider World Championship/ Valadares 2005: Rescue and Medical Care.
Sinaia / Romenia, 2003. 28p. ( Fédération Aeronautique Internationale) .
- Corrêa, J. F. – World Paraglider Championship 2005 : Rescue and Medical Care. Governador
Valadares MG, 2003. 28p. (Goup Brazil/ Municipal Health Council of Governador Valadares/
UNIMED / Fire Brigade / Military Police/ Regional Hospital and Muncipal Hospital of
Governador Valadares).
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part III)
III - PARTICIPATION IN CONGRESSES AND TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS III. - LECTURER: - “Histological and Infrastructural Biochemical Analysis of Tissue components of the cornea of Gallus gallus dom” . III Health Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ , 1993. - “ Surgical Tecnique in Trachaeostomy, Exploratory Laparotomy , Splenenectomy, Gastrostomy and Experimental Colostomy in rats ( Mus musculus) and dogs “. III Health Symposium o the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda RJ, 1993 - “ Scientific Basis for the Practice of the Extraction of Foreign Metallic Cornean Bodies in rabbits (Orictolagus cuniculus) “ III Health Symposium of the School Of Medical Science of Volta Redonda RJ, 1993 - “ Recent Advances in the Anatomo-clinical Study of the Via – optica” . III Health Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda RJ. 1993 - “Recent Advances in the Study of Phacomatosis “ . III Healt Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda , as co-author. Volta Redonda RJ, 1993. - “Medical Research in the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda”. III Health Symposium of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda, RJ. 1993 - “Considerations on Vaginal Candidiasis “ . IX Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda - as co-author. Volta Redonda RJ. 1993 - “ Histological and Infrastructural Biochemical Analysis of Tissue Components of the Vagina, Uterus, Falopian Tubes and Ovary”. IX Medical University Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda, as co-author. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - “Occurrence of Retinocoroiditis in Patients with Toxoplasmosis Attended as Outpatients in the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda”. V Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda . Volta Redonda – RJ. 1993. - “Diabetic Retinopathy in Pregnancy and its Association with Hipotensive Ilnesses – Study Center of the Child Maternity Unit of the Public Service Hospital of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ 1993. - “Splenectomy in the Treatment of Self-imune Trombocitopenic Purpura. Study Center of the 15th General Surgery Ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro –RJ 1994. - “ Importance of Surgical Training in Animals for the Young Doctor”. IV Symposium of Health of The School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1994 - “Considerations on Body Image and its Correlation with Plastic Surgery” – IV Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ. 1994 - “ Assistance to the Normal Newly born in the Childbith Theatre”. IV Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda, as co-author. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1994 - “Clynical Importance of Citological Study of the Vaginal Smear as a contribution to the Diagnosis of Amniorexe”. IV Simposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda , as co-author. Volta Redonda – RJ. 1994 - “Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs: Their Social and Pathological Consequences”. Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Brazilian Navy – Niterói – RJ , 1995. - “First-aid” . Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Brazilian Navy – Niterói – RJ, 1995. - “First-aid to the Polytraumatized”. Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Brazilian Navy – Niterói – RJ, 1996 - “Pathological and Social Disturbances inthe use of Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs” –Main Auditorium of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Bazilian Navy – Niterói - RJ,1996 - “Use of Ferruginous Water in the Prevention of Infantile Anemia” – Festival of Waters . Caxambu – MG, 2001 - “Crenotherapy Today”. Cicle of Lectures “Cry, Fountains... Cry”. Convention Hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel – Cambuquira – MG , 2001. III.B - STUDENT - Course “ Emergency Medicine” – Given by the Medical Team of the Intensive Treatment Center of the National Steel Company (NSC) Hospital .Course load : 10 class/hours. Volta Redonda – RJ ,1989. - Course “ Research Methodology” Ministered by Professor Saul Goldemberg and team of teachers. - Course “Selected Topics: How I treat” – Center of Studies Dr. Aldrovandro de Oliveira, Santa Casa Hospital of Barra Mansa in the period from 3rd of March to the 14th of April . Barra Mansa – RJ, 1993 - Course “Back of the Eye” – XXXI Science Meeting of the Public Service Hospital of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in the period from 18th to 22nd of October. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1993. - Course “Research Methodology” – Ministered by teaching team of the Paulista School of Medicine. Course load: 26 class/hours. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993 - “IV Course of Surgical Diseases of the Tyroid” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - “ II Annual Course of Surgery of the BCS (Brazilian College of Surgeons) – Trauma Module” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro- RJ, 1997 - “ II Annual Course of Surgery of the BCS – Video Laparoscopy Module” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997 - “XIV Course on Surgical Controversies” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - “Course Updating on Clinic and Surgery of the Pancreas” – Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ 1997. - “ VII Course on Updating of Scientific Basis of Surgery” – Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - Course “Advanced Manoeuvres in the Integrated Treatment of the Polytraumatized”. Ministered by Professor Mario Mantovani and other teachers in the Discipline of Trauma Surgery of the Faculty of Medical Science of The University of Campinas – SP. Hotel Serraverde, Pouso Alto – MG, 2000. - Course of Aptitude in Diabetis Mellitus for health professionals”. Educational Program EDUCARE of the iniciation for Control and Education in Diabetis. Medical Association of Varginha. Varginha – MG, 2001. III. C. – PARTICIPATION - Seminar on “Hipoadrenism” – Discipline of Pathological Anatomo-Physiology of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - Seminar on “Cor Pulmonale” – Discipline of Pathological Anatomo-Physiology of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - I Symposium of Health fo the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda –RJ,1991. - VII University Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - III Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1991. - II Symposium of Health for the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1992. - VIII University Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ,1992. - IV Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda- RJ,1992. - III Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - IX University Medical Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ,1993. - V Parasitology Workshop of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - XXXI Scientific Assembly of the Public Service Hospital of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1993. - IV Symposium of Health of the School of Medical Science of Volta Redonda. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1994. - Panel – “Mammary Reconstructions” – Organized by the 15th and 28th wards of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1994. - Monthly Meeting of the Integrated Course of Credentialized Services of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery - Amphitheatre of the Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1996. - Foundation Meeting of the Brazilian Society of the Pancreas and launching of the Brazilian Journal of the Pancreas. Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1997. - Cycle of Conferences “Science and Culture”. Academia Brasileira de Letras, first conference. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1998. - II Minas Symposium on Hernias of the Abdominal Wall. Alfenas – MG, 1999. - I Regional Seminar of the Family Health Programme, organized by the Regional Directory of Health. Virgínia – MG, 1999. - II Meeting of the Heart Club of the South Minas Society of Cardiology. Medical Association of Varginha. Varginha – MG, 2001. - Cycle of Lectures “Cry, Fountains... Cry...” in the Convention Hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - I Seminar of Family Health Experiences. São Lourenço – MG, 2001. - Regional Forum for the Environment. Municipal Council Chamber, São Lourenço – MG,2002. III.D - EXIBITION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS AND WORKSHOPS - Experimental Surgery and Operation Technique – Exibition Hall – III Health Symposium of E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Study and Histochemical analysis of tissue components of the uterus, tubes, ovary and vagina in mice – Slide demonstration / Exibition Hall – IX Medical University Workshop of ECMVR. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Medical Research in the E.C.M.V.R. – Panel/ Exibition Hall – IX Medical University Workshop of ECMVR Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - “Crenotherapeutic Programme of Public Health in the Prevention of Anemia through Iron Deficiency in Cambuquira – MG” . – Panel / Iron water Tasting – I Seminar of Experiences in Family Health, São Lourenço – MG, 2001. - “Crenotherapeutic Programme of Public Health in the Prevention of Anemia through Iron Deficiency in Cambuquira – MG” . Panel – Cycle Of Lectures “Cry, fountains... Cry...” Convention Hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - “Crenotherapy in the Prevention of Iron Deprivation Anemia: Therapeutic Success in Cambuquira – MG” – Panel / V Regional Meeting in Updating in Primary Health Care / I First Regional Meeting on Family Health. Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Juiz de Fora – MG , 2002. III.E. - PARTICIPATION IN ORGANIZING COMMITEES - Organizer of the debate: “The importance of the Family in the Prevention and Combat of the use of Drugs by Adolescents”. Realized in the Main Auditorium of the DHN. – Brazilian Navy. Niterói – RJ, 1996.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part IV)
1st place in the V Parasitology Workshop of the ECMVR. Volta Redonda –
RJ, 1993.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part V)
V - DIDACTIC-PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIENCE - Monitor in the Discipline of Opthalmology of the ECMVR, in the period from August 1992 to December 1993. Volta Redonda RJ. - Monitor in the Discipline of Biology, Histology and Embriology of the ECMVR In the academic year of 1993. Volta Rredonda-RJ. - Monitor in the Discipline of Histology, Embriology, Genetics and Evolution in the School of Odontology of Volta Redonda, in the academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda-RJ. - Monitor in the Discipline of Neurology of the ECMVR in the Academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda – RJ. - Selected Academic for the Development of Research in the Discipline of Biology, Histology and Embriology of the ECMVR in the academic year of 1993, Volta Redonda – RJ. - Classes in the Curricular Programme of the Discipline of Neurology of the ECMVR In the academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda – RJ. - Classes in teh Curricular Programme of the Discipline of Opthalmology of the ECMVR in the academic year of 1993. Volta Redonda – RJ. - Development of Studies in Experimental Surgery and Operation Technique, in the years of 1991, 1992 and 1993, in the Curricular Programme of the Discipline of ClinicalSurgery of the ECMVR. Volta Redonda –RJ, 1991 – 1993.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VI)
VI - FUNCTIONS OF DIDACTIC COORDINATION Orientator of the work “Retinocoroiditis in patients with Toxoplasmosis” , realized by 3rd year medical students of the E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VII)
VII - OTHER ACADEMIC FUNCTIONS - Academic responsible for the Bioteric Sector of the discipline of Histology, Embriology and Genetics of the E.C.M.V.R. Developing control programmes of guinea pigs by computer. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Director of the Socal Department of the Paulo Mendes Academic Directory – ECMVR, Volta Redonda – RJ, during the year of 1991. - Vice-president of the Paulo Mendes Academic Directory - E.C.M.V.R., Volta Redonda – RJ, 1992. - Director of the Scientific and Cultural Department of the Paulo Mendes Academic Directory – E.C.M.V.R., in the years of 1993 and 1994. Volta Redonda RJ, 1993 – 1994. - Scientific Adviser of the University Journal “The Anatomical”,E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ., in the years of 1993 and 1994.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VIII)
VIII - HONORARY TITLES AND TRIBUTES - Tribute by the Head of Department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme, for the “excelence of work carried out in his discipline”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Tribute by the E.C.M.V.R., on the occasion of its III Health Simposium on the Handing over of inscription plate referring to “Dedication to Scientific Work”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Citation of Merit by the director of Hidrography and Navigation , Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues in thanks for “good service rendered to the Directory of HIDROGRAPHY and NAVIGATION - Brazilian Navy”. Niterói – RJ, 1997. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on occasion of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000. Rome, Italy, 2000. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the “Pontifical Erection, Pledge of Grace and Celestial Favours to the Members of the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! by the grace of Jesus” – Rome – Italy, 2001. - Recognition of “Well-deserving participant of the Cultural Association of Our Lady of Fatima, for the dedicated colaboration to the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! and praiseworthy effort in the difunding of the devotion to Holiest Mary”. Campinas – SP, 2001. - Motion by the Municipal Council of Cambuquira offering congratulations “for the professionalism, dedication, care and effort in the attendance of the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Commission of Public Services of the Council Chamber of Lambari – “Title of Guardian of the Waters” – “For the brilliant work in defense of the Mineral Waters Circle”. Lambari – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section manifesting congratulations for “professionalism, dedication, care and work in attending the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Tribute by the head of department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme. “I want to manifest emphatically and in writing, my enthusiasm, my pride and my thanks to the doctors (...) for the excellent work realized in this symposium”. “Enthusiasm mixed with admiration and perplexity before a finished vision of the project that we only discussed, became unquenchable before the excellence of the work. The cost of the individual work, of their own individual effort have given a perfect demonstration by these two future doctors that “anything is possible with work”. Not tiredness or a lack of resources, or the absence of colaboration are capable of braking na engine with this potential!” “The pride which follows enthusiasm has its reason in a certain way, the surgeryfor which we fought has gone to the head of Novaes and Joselito and the excellence sense of the term. The even timid idea, for which we collaborated for this success fills our hearts with joy”. “The gratitude for all this is difficult to quantify or measure. Our discipline is enobled with the work of these two. And it just remains to say: thank you very much”. E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Meritorious citation of the director of Hidrography and Navigation, Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues. “Competent official who has strived in his professional and human duties , he has won the friendship, respect and admiration of his superiors, colleagues and subordinates during this period” “His premature transfer to the reserve has found resistance among his companions who are deprived from now on from his professional and healthy contact which his presence allowed” “To lieutenant Joselito, our best wishes for your continued professional and personal success in civilian life, thanking you for the good service rendered to the D.H.N. in the area of health”. D.H.N. Brazilian Navy. Niterói –RJ, 1997. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of the city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section, manifesting congratulations for your “dedication, colaboration, frindship and effort in the comunity of the municipality of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Gratitude of the Non governamental organization, New Cambuquira (that values the - Natural , Environmental and Cultural conditions of the city) “For your brilliant participation in the cicle of lectures: “Cry, fountains...Cry” exposing the theme - “Crenotherapy” , realized in the convention hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel . Cambuquira – MG, 2001.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part VIII)
VIII - HONORARY TITLES AND TRIBUTES - Tribute by the Head of Department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme, for the “excelence of work carried out in his discipline”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Tribute by the E.C.M.V.R., on the occasion of its III Health Simposium on the Handing over of inscription plate referring to “Dedication to Scientific Work”. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Citation of Merit by the director of Hidrography and Navigation , Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues in thanks for “good service rendered to the Directory of HIDROGRAPHY and NAVIGATION - Brazilian Navy”. Niterói – RJ, 1997. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on occasion of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000. Rome, Italy, 2000. - Special Apostolic Blessing by His Sanctity Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the “Pontifical Erection, Pledge of Grace and Celestial Favours to the Members of the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! by the grace of Jesus” – Rome – Italy, 2001. - Recognition of “Well-deserving participant of the Cultural Association of Our Lady of Fatima, for the dedicated colaboration to the Campaign Save me , Queen of Fatima! and praiseworthy effort in the difunding of the devotion to Holiest Mary”. Campinas – SP, 2001. - Motion by the Municipal Council of Cambuquira offering congratulations “for the professionalism, dedication, care and effort in the attendance of the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Commission of Public Services of the Council Chamber of Lambari – “Title of Guardian of the Waters” – “For the brilliant work in defense of the Mineral Waters Circle”. Lambari – MG, 2001. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section manifesting congratulations for “professionalism, dedication, care and work in attending the comunity of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Tribute by the head of department of the discipline of Clinical Surgery of the E.C.M.V.R., Dr. Fernando Manoel Paes Leme. “I want to manifest emphatically and in writing, my enthusiasm, my pride and my thanks to the doctors (...) for the excellent work realized in this symposium”. “Enthusiasm mixed with admiration and perplexity before a finished vision of the project that we only discussed, became unquenchable before the excellence of the work. The cost of the individual work, of their own individual effort have given a perfect demonstration by these two future doctors that “anything is possible with work”. Not tiredness or a lack of resources, or the absence of colaboration are capable of braking na engine with this potential!” “The pride which follows enthusiasm has its reason in a certain way, the surgeryfor which we fought has gone to the head of Novaes and Joselito and the excellence sense of the term. The even timid idea, for which we collaborated for this success fills our hearts with joy”. “The gratitude for all this is difficult to quantify or measure. Our discipline is enobled with the work of these two. And it just remains to say: thank you very much”. E.C.M.V.R. Volta Redonda – RJ, 1993. - Meritorious citation of the director of Hidrography and Navigation, Admiral Fernando Manoel Fontes Diêgues. “Competent official who has strived in his professional and human duties , he has won the friendship, respect and admiration of his superiors, colleagues and subordinates during this period” “His premature transfer to the reserve has found resistance among his companions who are deprived from now on from his professional and healthy contact which his presence allowed” “To lieutenant Joselito, our best wishes for your continued professional and personal success in civilian life, thanking you for the good service rendered to the D.H.N. in the area of health”. D.H.N. Brazilian Navy. Niterói –RJ, 1997. - Tribute by the Council Chamber of the city of Cambuquira through the handing over of a plaque of honour in solemn section, manifesting congratulations for your “dedication, colaboration, frindship and effort in the comunity of the municipality of Cambuquira”. Cambuquira – MG , 2002. - Gratitude of the Non governamental organization, New Cambuquira (that values the - Natural , Environmental and Cultural conditions of the city) “For your brilliant participation in the cicle of lectures: “Cry, fountains...Cry” exposing the theme - “Crenotherapy” , realized in the convention hall of the Santos Dumont Hotel . Cambuquira – MG, 2001.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part IX)
IX - PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS - Aproved in the public examination of the Municipal Secretary of Health of Volta Redonda as academic trainee. Publication NR . 001/91-S.M.A. Volta Redonda – RJ. 1991. - Approved in the selection test for the Training Programme in General Surgery of the Brazilian College of Surgeons, conducted in the 13th ward of the Santa Casa Hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro –RJ,in February of 1997. - Approved in public examination as ophthalmic doctor for the Municipal Council of Itamonte- MG ( Public Examination no 01-99) in 1999. Itamonte – MG, 1999.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part X)
X – PARTICIPATION IN SOCIETIES 1) Resident Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons. Rio de Janeiro- RJ, 1997 – 1997. 2) Founder member of the Brazilian Society for the Pancreas. Rio de Janeiro RJ, 1998. 3) Associate of the Sindicate of Doctors of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte – MG, 1998. 4) Member of the National Geographic Society – USA 1999. 5) Associate of the Greenpeace Foundation. São Paulo – 1999. 6) Founding Member of the NGO NOVA CAMBUQUIRA. Cambuquira – MG, 2001 7) Illustrious Participant of the Our Lady of Fatima Cultural Association. Campinas – SP, 2001. 8) Founding Member of the Brazilian Association of Paragliding. São Paulo – SP,2002. 9) Association of Friends of ´Le Monde Diplomatique`. Lisbon – Portugal, 200
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part XI)
-Speech on the “ Importance of the Municipalisation of the Spa Waters Park of
Cambuquira for the Public Health of the Municipality”.Public Meeting in the
Municipal Council Chamber. Cambuquira – MG, 2001.Lecture given at the time of
bidding in the privatisation of the Mineral Waters, in defense of National Sovereignty
that State control represents for the Mineral Water Spas.
- Speech on the “Importance of the Municipalisation of the Spa Waters Park of
Cambuquira for thePublic Health of the Municipality”.Public Meeting in the
State Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte – MG, 2001. Lecture
Given at the time of bidding in the privatisation of the Mineral Waters, in defense of
National Sovereignty that State control represents for the Mineral Water Spas.
- Speech on “ The importance of being a Guardian of the Waters”. Public Meeting
in the Municipal Council Chamber of Lambari. Lambari – MG, !5th April 2002.
Lecture given at the time of bidding in the privatisation of the Mineral Waters,in
Defense of National Sovereignty that State control represents for the Mineral Water
- Speech “PSF according to the operational norms determined by the Ministry of
Health”. Public Meeting in the Municipal Council Chamber. Cambuquira - MG,2002.
- Lecture on “Health Treatment with Mineral Waters – perspectives for
Municipality of São Lourenço” .Meeting restricted to the students of the city of São
Paulo – SP in the Municipal Council Chamber of São Lourenço. São Lourenço – MG
2002. Lecture given at the time of an overexploitation of the hydromineral resouces
in São Lourenço – MG, looking at the environmental, social and political impact of
this practice, defending National Sovereignty that State Control represents for the
Mineral Water Spas.
Doc - Dr.Joselito - Curriculum data (part XII)
XII – PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A) Brazilian Navy ( Navel Ministry ) - Officer Formation Course(CFOF) of the Brazilian Navy realized at the Wandenkolk Instruction Centre, ministered by officials of the Navy and Naval Fusiliers. Physical training and theoretical course including Seamanship, Naval System of Health, light Arms, Artillery, etc. Rio de Janeiro. – RJ, 1995. - Training on the Aircraft Carrier Minas Gerais and the Corvette Inhaúma of the Brazilian Navy. Atlantic Ocean (Brazilian Territorial Waters), 1995. -Training in Artillery realised in the Battalion of Naval Fusilliers of the Brazilian Navy. Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 1995 and 1996. - Training in open sea air rescue ( transfer of badly injured patients ) in the Comissions of Inspection and Training Assistaantnce. Medic responsible for the inspection and assistance in the sectors of Ship`s health of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation – Brazilian Navy. Atlantic Ocean ( Brazilian Territorial Waters ), 1995 and 1996. - Training in routine first-aid in open sea ( fires, shipwrecks, etc.) in the Comissions of Inspections and Training Assistance. Medic responsible for the Inspection and assistence in the sectors of Ship`s health of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation . Atlantic Ocean ( Brazilian Territorial Waters ), 1995 And 1996. -Medical-Officer of the Brazilian Navy active during the years of 1995 and 1996, in the post of First Lieutenant, exercising the following functions: * Assistant Inspector of the ships Ary Rongel and Barão de Teffé, used in the Brazilian Antartic Programme (PROANTAR) in logistic support to the Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz and to the scientific projects developed in the Antarctic. *Assistant Inspector in the sectors of Ship`s health responsible for the production of environmental information that updates a set of physical factors linked to naval operations and navigational security in the fields of hydrography, oceangraphy, meteorology, cartography (plotting of nautical charts) and navigation as well as for environmental protection and for the study of interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere relevent to the understanding of climate change in the region of the Tropical Atlantic. * Doctor responsible for the Health Section of the Hydrographic Ship Almirante Câmara in the Research Programme LEPLAC XI, ( Research on the Continental Platform ), an extensive programme of collection of sismic and baltimetric data along the brazilian continental shelf. Thanks to the efforts of LEPLAC, Brazil will submit to the Continental Platform Limits Commission in the UNO (United Nations Organisation) the area over which it exercises right of Sovereignity · Assistant doctor in the health section (outpatients) of the Directory of Hydrography and Navigation, working for two years as general practitioner. · Skilled medic licensed to realise health inspections in the Marine Medical Inspection System. · Component of the Military – Administrative Inspection Comissions in the quality of health sector inspector . · Component in the Inspection and Assesment Comissions of Instruction in the capacity of inspector of health sectors. · Licensed “Military Judge” for hearings in the first Military Judiciary Circumsciption. · Organizer of debates and lectures on the indiscriminate use of adolescent drugs. · Organizer of preventive medical programmes, realising lectures and debates on related themes. · Doctor responsible in the health sector for Geotech I commissions (analysis of the conditions for habitation of the São Pedro and São Paulo rocks) and LEPLAC XI (analysis of the continental platform). B - Private Medicine (Outpatients/ emergency) ARNALDO QUINTELA CLINIC, Botafogo , Rio de Janeiro, RJ Outpatients in General Medicine, ten hours weekly, in the period from March 1997 to June 1998. MULTICOOP MEDICAL COOPERATIVE, Bonsucesso , Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Worked as general practitioner in the Emergency Sectors of the following hospitals; Hospital de Clínicas Alameda, Emergency sector. Niterói, RJ. Casa de Saúde São José. Emergency sector. São Gonçalo, Rj. C - PUBLIC HEALTH (Outpatients / Emergency) MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ITAMONTE Mobile Medical – Odontological unit attending the rural area. Period from July 1998 to April 1999. Municipal Health Center of Itamonte, MG – Prevention Programme of Diabetic Retinopathy with the realization of back of the eye exams. Opthalmological attendance of the population in need. 1998 and 1999. Duty medic in the Emergency Department of the Casa de Caridade in Itamonte – MG , in 1998 and 1999. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF LAMBARI – MG Duty Medic in the emergency sector of the Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital from the year 2002 until the present. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF VARGINHA – MG Duty Medic ( Support Team ) in the Emergency Sector of the Bom Pastor Hospital, from 2002 until the present. D - FAMILY HEALTH PROGRAMME ( Agreement between the Ministry of Health and municipal councils ) Municipal Council of Itamonte – MG / Ministry of Health. Family Doctor in the period from May 1998 to December 2000. Municipal Council of Cambuquira – MG / Ministry of Health. Family Doctor in the period from March 2001 to July 2002. Municipal Council of São Lourenço – MG / Ministry of Health. Family Doctor from August 2002 to June 2003. E) MEDICINE AS SOCIAL PRACTICE - Responsible for the adaptation of an emergency ward in the Educandário São Francisco School for the medical attention of homeless flood victims in Itamonte – MG. (1999) provisionally sheltered. Medical attendence for homeless sick people and the development of an emergency plan in case of floods. - Medical attendence for pupils of the Educandário São Francisco de Assis School in the year 1998. - Creation and development of the following programs of preventive medicine in the years 1998 to 2000 in the rural areas of Itamonte: * Campaign for all houses in rural areas to use septic tanks and not evacuate their drains in local rivers and streams. Result: 90% of houses installed tanks, resulting in the significant reduction in the number of cases of intestinal parasites and gastroenteritis. * Campaign for the treatment of drinking water with sodium hypochlorite. Result: 90% of homes began to treat their filtered water contributing to a significant reduction in the number of cases of intestinal parasitosis and gastroenteritis. * Campaign for education in hygiene. * Campaign for the daily treatment of drinking water with sodium hypochlorite in rural area schools along with the daily addition of ferrous sulphate in drops. Result: reduction in the cases of intestinal parasitosis, gastroenteritis and infantile iron-deficiency anemia. * Idealisation and development of the “ Crenotherepeutic Health Program for the prevention of iron-deficiency anemia in Cambuquira – M.G.” Due to the therepeutic result of the addition of ferrous sulphate to the water of the rural schools of Itamonte- M.G. we realised the same procedure in Cambuquira using ferriginous mineral waters. Result: improved immunological resistance, physical vigour, appetite and hemoglobin and hemacea levels in treated children. * Orientation on mineral waters for primary school children for the realisation of a Science Fair study in a State school in Cambuquira –M.G. The study won first prize in the Science Fair. * Crenotherepeutic iron supplement for the prevention of iron-deficiency anemia in students of the “Creche Pequeno Mundo” in São Lourenço- M.G. An example of therepeutic success in Itamonte –M.G. and Cambuquira-M.G. We have tried to do the same in São Lourenço-M.G. F) MEDICINE IN SPORT (Life support in adventure sports) - Brazilian Paraglider Championship (Brazilian Association for Free Flight/ GOUP Medic responsible for life-support in politrauma (accidents with pilots during Competitions).Participation in the stages, in various brazilian States, since 2001. -Brazilian Paraglider Circuit (CBP –GOUP). Medic responsible for life-support in politrauma (accidents with pilots during competitions). Participation in the stages, in various brazilian states, since 2001. -Paragliding Open International (Goup) – Valadares 2003. Medic responsible for life-support in politrauma (accidents with pilots during competitions).Governador Valadares – MG, 2003. -Paragliding Brazil Pre Words (Federation Aeronautique Internationale) – Valadares, 2004. Medic responsible for all the medical care and life support. Governador Valadares-MG, 2004. - Paragliding Brazil Worlds (Federation Aeronautique Internationale) – Valadares, 2005. Medic responsible for all the medical care and life support. Governador Valadares-MG, 2005. - Hang Gliding Super Race 2008 (Decolar Institute) – Life support. Itamonte-MG, 2008.
Doc - Dr.Joselito Curriculum data (part XIII)
1.1) Newspapers
1.1.1) Health Sections
-Estado de Minas Newspaper – Belo Horizonte – MG, 30th November 2001. Anemia: family doctor rediscovers the power of mineral waters, of those, ferruginous, capable of
curing one of the greatest problems for public health in the world.
-Gazeta Newspaper – Varginha – MG, ) 04th December 2001. Doctor rediscovers the power of waters against anemia.
1.1.2) Cultural Sections
- Opção Newspaper, cultural section GACEMSS Volta Redonda – RJ, May ,1992. A Musical Mafia; always together and wearing white, the colour of the profession, medical students make excellent therapy of music.
1.1.3) Political Sections
- Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira – MG , 22nd of September 2001 . Cambuquira participated in the Regional Seminar for Family Health Strategy.
- Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira, 1st February 2002 . Social Assintance and doctors of SUS discuss Mental Health Programme.
- Regional Newspaper – Vale do Paraíba – SP and South of Minas – MG, 9th March 2002. Worried abou t the future of water, President of Council complains to the President of COMIG .
1.1.4) Tourism/Ecology Sections
- Environment / Culture page . Viva Editora (year 13, number 134) – Brasilia – DF, March 2003. GPS, a compass for new times / the application of GPS for research of ecological trails and other activities / GPS course in the faculty of São Lourenço – MG.
1.1.5) Sports Sections
1.1.6) Interviews
- Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira - MG , 21st November 2001. Mineral waters stimulate interest of PSF doctor.
- São Lourenço Newspaper – (Year LXX- number 3577) – São Lourenço –MG, 6th July 2003. “Pope” of Crenotherapy in Brasil supports anemia prevention with of ferruginous waters in São Lourenço.
1.1.7) Social Columns
- The Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira – MG, 1st August 2001. Meeting in the
Maimbeiro area Social Hall.
- The Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira – MG, 1st November 2001.1st Cycle of
Lectures “ Cry Fountains Cry “,in the Santos Dumont Hotel Main Hall.
- The Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira – MG, 21st December 2001. Public
Hearing in Belo Horizonte in the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais.
1.1.8) Almanac
- São Lourenço Newspaper – São Lourenço – MG, 13th October 2002. 12th October
- Children’s Day: What can they celebrate?
1.1.9) General news
- The Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira – MG, 17th February 2002. Cambuquira’s
participation prominent in COMIG meeting.
- The Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira – MG, 29th March 2002. Cambuquira
presented work in the “ V Regional Updating in Primary Health Care and the 1st
Regional Showcase on Family Health”.
- The Newspaper O Tempo – Belo Horizonte MG, 11th May 2002.Partnership creates
hydrotherapeutic study centre / Water used as cure for anemia in children.
- The Newspaper O Tempo – Belo Horizonte – MG, 24th August 2002. University of
The Waters / From 2003 Cambuquira will have the first teaching and research
Institution on Thermalism in Latin America / Doctor wants to divulge crenotherepy
to the country.
- The Encontro Newspaper – Cambuquira – MG, 7th August 2002.Public M eetings in
Council / Councillors pay homage to Doctor Joselito Fonseca Corrêa with the
Handing over of a plaque.
1.2) Magazines / Suplements / Factsheets
- BOA VIAGEM ( Newspaper Suplement of O Globo ) – Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Thursday, 8th November. Minas Water Resorts / Cambuquira to have hang-gliding competition stages.
- RESIDENT PRODOCTER –Year IV, number IV, September / October 1997. Organ transplant: considerations on the new law. The opinion of specialists on law 9.434, which regulizes and stimulates organ donation is that it will not solve the problem of transplants in Brazil. They believe hospitals should be equipped to deal with them. Residents also give their opinion.
- CBC INFORMATIVE BULLETIN (News Organ of the Brazilian College of Surgeons) –Year XVIII, No 96,April / June 1997. CBC inaugurates new Convention Centre. Followed by TCBC Minister Adib Jatene, the TCBC Daher Eitait, visibly moved , remembers the TCBC Renato Pacheco while cutting the tape of the new Ampitheatre which has the name of the dear benefactor of the CBC. Residents and Associate Members appointed at this session.
2.1) News
- TV GLOBO / EPTV SOUTH MINAS / REGIONAL NEWS 1st Edition. December 1999. São José Choir from Itamonte give Christmas recital.
- SBT TV/ Alterosa. Alterosa News 1st Edition. November 2001. Ferrous Water used in Anemia treatment.
- TV GLOBO / EPTV SOUTH MINAS / REGIONAL NEWS 1st Edition. December 2001. Ferrous Water used in treatment of Anemia in Cambuquira.
- TV GLOBO / EPTV SOUTH MINAS / REGIONAL NEWS 1st Edition. 23rd October 2002. Use of Mineral Water in treatment of Anemia.
2.2) Interviews
- RTP Europe – Pre Worlds 2004.
2.3) Reportages
- REDE TVE / Water Resorts TV / Healthy Life Programme – UNIMED.
Emergency Rescue Doctor in adventure sports. April 2003.
2.4) Transmission of Events “ Live”
- REDE TV LIVE. Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida. Aparecida – S.P
2000.Presentation of the São José Choir from Itamonte.
3.1) Music
- South Mineira Radio. Passa Quatro – M.G , 1984.” Show by the exceptional
Garage Band of Itamonte in the Workers Club of Itanhandu.”
4) Press Coletives
Open 2003 – Paragliders crashs in Governador Valadares-MG 2003.
Translator Leslie Anthony Walsh
Endereço: Cx Postal 100
37420-000 Cambuquira
Tel 35 3251 1112
Last complete review: 2003